Operation: Fall Farewell [US]

BRRR, it’s getting chilly in here, Rebels! We logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB as we begin to transition from the Fall season to Winter.  With our warm and cozy parkas, hats, and gloves, we were bundled up well for this event. We also had some freezing tactics and ice-cold formations, but we stayed toasty in the cold. 😎 Thank you all so much for attending this chilltastic event! 🧊

MAX: 28

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended this event!

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Operation: Awooga [EU]

✨💅 Awooga! Today the yassified Rebels graced the Town of CP Army Battleground’s Tuxedo with our glittery, elevated Rebel uniforms! We served sharp formations and tactics – with maybe just one or two mentions of the word Awooga! Thank you to everyone who came for making it such a fun event!

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Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB for a classic flex-off event! We donned outfits thats gave us some cool moves, and flexed on one another. There were tubas, there were chefs, there were even clowns. Thank you to everyone who joined us today!

MAX: 16

AVG: 16

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Operation: Tundra Titans [EU]

Hello Rebels!! Today we logged onto Sub ZeroIceBerg to celebrate our victory of the Tundra Titan war against the Secret Service . We wore our awesome pink uniform while taking over Sub Zero. Thank you all for coming and celebrating the win with us.


make sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended.

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This week, RPF celebrates the end of the spooky season as we look back at our Horror Week party. This year’s theme was Five Nights at Freddy’s; we enjoyed a full month filled with treats and games; from spooky fashion shows, game tournaments, murder mystery riddles, u-leads, candy grams, and so much more! Seeing people enjoying the festivities and getting into the Halloween spirit really brought joy to our eyes, in particular towards one troop… This person has been a constant source of joy throughout the month and has stood out to us in more than one way, leading them to become our newest Troop of the Week! Keep reading below to learn more about them!!

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