

Operation: Crumbling Crusaders

Join us for a battle against Templars in the Hades Brackets Finals! We’ve gone up against them once already. Let’s be sure to show up even stronger this time and advance to the GRAND FINALS!!

(8 pm UTC) – 8pm GMT, 9pm CET, 10pm EET/CAT, 11pm MSK, 12am GST, 1am zYEKT/PKT, 11am AKST, 10am HST, 12pm PST, 1pm MST, 2pm CST, 3pm EST, 4pm AT, 5pm BRT/ART/WGT

You can also check for event timings by doing “!region-timer” for the respective region – for example, !ausia-timer.

To attend an event, it is important that you’re in our Discord server to receive orders – join by clicking here!

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