Five Nights at Frederation – Character Quiz Results

Welcome to the results portion of the character quiz. Here you can find out WHY you have been matched with the particular mascot of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza! You have dined and survived (somehow) so get ready to learn a bit more about yourself. Fazbear Entertainment would like to remind you that crying, sweating, squirming, or dying in protest of the mascot you have been matched with is strictly forbidden).

Click here to take the character quiz if you haven’t. Access Report

Five Nights at Frederation – Character Quiz

Which Five Nights at Freddy’s character are you?

Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza! Is this your first time at our establishment? Great! All guests are contractually obligated to fill out this character quiz to determine what role you’ll fill in this land of fantasy and fun. You may even get to be one of our mascot animatronics: Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, or Foxy! (Note: crying, sweating, squirming, or dying while inside any animatronic mascot is strictly forbidden.) Have a faztastic day, and we hope you’ll always come back.

Access Report

Operation: Permanently Frosted [EU]

Hey thereee, rebels!! For today’s EU battle, we invaded the Secret Service’s Permafrost! We were hoping to find some company to warm us up in this chilly weather, but unfortunately could not find that with SS as they did not end up showing… Instead, however, we absolutely killed it with our tactics and forms, looking cool enough to match the weather! And with that, RPF has secured their 39th consecutive win in the war against SS!

Access Report

Operation: Misty Eyes [AUSIA]

hello… REBELS!!Today we logged onto Fog – CPAB, for our invasion against the Secret Service! We KILLED it at the battle, getting into our STRONG formations while doing our QUICK tactics, and the fog must’ve been quite thick at the battle, because we never even saw Secret Service once! Thank you to everyone that showed up for this battle!!

and now… the WINNER of the invasion of Fog:

Access Report

Operation: Icicle Incursion [EU]

hello... REBELS!!!  Today we logged onto Icicle CPAB for our invasion of Secret Service’s land!! We fought hard, absolutely DOMINATING the Secret Service, snatching their land firmly out of their grasp, like taking candy from a baby. Our formations, were unmatched. Our tactics.. were UNMATCHED, and we CRUSHED it at this event. Thank you to EVERYONE that showed up today, whether we won or not, we put a good fight and that wouldn’t’ve been possible without you all!

and now.. for the WINNER of the invasion of Icicle..

Access Report