Operation: Just Desserts [EU]

You thought this event was such a treat from PPC’s Rebels Through the Looking Glass week, so we brought it back: the dandy Candy Pizzatron Tournament! For this sweet event, we logged on to server Abominable on CPRewritten. Everyone had lots of fun making delicious sugary confections, but who made them just as well as Willy Wonky himself? Please give a 100 Grand bar and some applause for these rebels!

Access Report


Today we logged on to Zipline~CPR to begin our AUSIA Ultimate Ascension! To remember our iconic event, we wore the miner hat! We waddled around the island drilling up some intense tactics and showed off spectacular forms! Awesome work at today’s AUSIA Event Rebels!

Max: 50

Avg: 48

Make sure to comment below with your Discord username and rank if you attended the event!

Access Report


In late 2019, leadership united like never before in attempts to boost the AUSIA region. Successfully during this time, the Rebel Penguin Federation’s AUSIA division broke past the limit (pun intended) and exceeded several max goals. Since then, the division has continued to flourish and even compete with it’s brother regions. What once was a region who struggled to max 15 people has grown into a determined community who came together to max 103 in attendance during mid-May 2020. In closeness to the event’s anniversary, we are proud to present 2021 AUSIA week: Ultimate AscensionAccess Report

YEAR IN REVIEW 2020-2021

Welcome to this past years anniversary review! We will be taking a close looks from all the highlights starting from May 8th 2020 up until May 8th 2021. We have won numerous battles, gained many server members, and preserved to new heights. Let’s take a look at all of the biggest moments!

Access Report


Hello Rebels! In today’s event we battled the Water Vikings, a fellow army, on on Crystal – CPRewritten. With both armies putting in the effort of doing unique tactics and making great forms, it was hard to find a winner.

But in the end, there had to be one winner, and that winner is…

Access Report


In today’s fantastic EU/US event, we logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for an action-packed game of Capture the Flag! After doing some fun forms and tactics, we searched the island far and wide to find the flag holders. Both branches displayed impressive teamwork, but only one can be victorious.

The winner is… Access Report


Today, the rebels logged on to ZiplineCPRewritten for a spacial event!
We truly formed an asteroid belt in this space oddissey with our superb tactics and brilliant formations. Excellent work, everyone!

MAX: 44
AVG: 41

Be sure to comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended this event!

Access Report


For today’s US event, we logged onto Zipline-CPRewritten for Operation: Caving In. We wore prehistoric outfits from the new catalog release and dusted it off with our archaic tactics and formations. We then turned it into a primeval fashion show, while everyone looked stonetastic, there could only be one winner.

The winners are…

Access Report