For today’s US event, we logged onto the proxy server Zipline (CPR) to conquer the unclaimed land of Parka. In our uniforms, we did powerful tactics and sharp forms, successfully invading the territory. Fantastic work Rebels, Parka is ours! To celebrate, we then scattered around the island for some fun hide and seek games. Did troops outsmart HCOM with their sneaky hiding spots or were they able to find everyone?

The winners are…

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Troop of the Week #202

Troop of the Week #202

A significant week has passed in the Rebel Penguin Federation, what with a series of invasions scheduled on Club Penguin Army Network’s recently unveiled map. Every rebel’s been doing their utmost to support the USRPF Returns campaign. However, as Friday roles around, there’s only one person who can be this week’s Troop of the Week

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Today we logged on to Abominable~CPR wearing the Hawaiian shirt and securing some more land to grow the USRPF nation! We performed some spiritful tactics and produced some strong forms. Awesome job Rebels! Abominable is ours!

Max: 50

Avg: 50

Make sure to comment below with your Discord username and rank if you attended the event to be eligible for the Rebel Raider role!

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For our AUSIA event we logged onto Zipline – CPR to invade the unclaimed server of Below Zero. We went around the island in our uniforms and performed fresh formations and terrific tactics. As a result, the server of Below Zero is officially now our territory. Amazing job today rebels!

MAX: 53

AVG: 50

Remember to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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As pride month comes to an end, we celebrated it one last time. We logged onto ABOMINABLECPRewritten wearing any rainbow item. We showed off our pride through our exquisite formations and tactics! Even though pride month is coming to an end, never stop supporting and stay proud!

MAX: 50 

AVG: 46 

Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended! 

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Pride Story Spotlight

Welcome Rebels to a very special post put together by myself, Yvng, and my fellow RBT member, Mars. In honor of Pride Month, we decided to go around and asked people who volunteered to tell their story through their pride journey. Sit back and dive into the wonderful stories these volunteers have to share!

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The Rebels are back this week and logged on to Zipline – CP Rewritten. We infiltrated the island armed with our mops and buckets, ready to sweep (mop?) everyone off their feet! The very snow we waddled on were left squeaky clean, successfully leaving our mark on the island.

MAX: 33

AVG: 31

Don’t forget to comment down your Discord username and rank if you mopped with us today!

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