Hello Rebels!! Club Penguin Journey is back, which means monthly catalogs are back. With the Halloween Party arriving on the island, Club Penguin Journey came out with a brand new Catalog for this spooky/fall season. Check out the post to find all the secrets hidden in this amazing catalog. This October/November Catalog Guide has you covered!
Access Report
Troops Interviews: Ruokannie & Stevos
In the 98th edition of Troop Interviews, the Rebel News Media team speaks to newly promoted Brigadier General’s Ruokannie and Stevos!
Operation: The Fifth Night [EU]
🌙 🎃 Today we logged into CP Army Battleground’s Tuxedo for the highly-anticipated Halloween Gala! The Rebels, alongside our allies the Army of CP and Water Vikings, dressed up in our best Halloween costumes to celebrate the spooky season! We finished off with a Horror Costume Contest and the return of Rebel Records for an exciting game of Guess the Monster!
Autumn Tundra Clash – The Conclusion
During the month of September, the Rebel Penguin Federation was involved in the Autumn Tundra Clash – a war against the Secret Service. The Federation declared war on the agents after suspicions that they were going to declare war on us but lock us in a battle against them and their allies, possibly knowing they could not take us on themselves. The RPF is no stranger to many members of SS and to the army itself, with a history dating back years to some of them. You can read the full declaration post here, as it highlights the reasons between the declaration.
Operation: Freddy Or Not! [EU]
Now I know what you may be thinking, what kind of security guard hides from danger, instead of seeking it out? Well, the tables have turned with this event! The rebels put on their best uniforms and logged on to CPAB: Tuxedo to try to survive this fourth night at the Frederation! We hid from our HCOM members in their ghastly animatronic attire, but not before performing those terror-inducing tactics and fear-bringing formations. So who got the last maniacal laugh? The winner of this horrific game of hide and seek was….
Troop Of The Week #309
This week, RPF has been celebrating its big Horror Week party, as we do every year! This year the theme has been Five Nights at Freddy’s, and we’ve gotten to enjoy a server re-theming, fun character roles and new colors, new shop roles, FNAF-themed events, murder mystery riddles, candy grams, and so much more! We’ve loved seeing all the hype this week, and many people really getting into the festivities. One troop in particular is someone who has enjoyed this week’s theme so much and has stood out to us, leading them to become this week’s Troop of the Week!! Scroll down now to find out who it is!!
Operation: Treats at the Pizzeria! [AUSIA]
Who’s hungry? Because for day 4 of Horror Week, the rebels are dressing up as their favorite salty or sweet snack! They dined out at CPAB – Tuxedo and showed off their unique taste in style! They ate their way through their tactics and formations with ease. The troops led todays event and left no crumbs! Bon appétit!
Max: 25
🧁 Please comment your Discord and rank if you attended! 🧁
With Halloween nearing, Club Penguin Legacy has released a spooky October furniture catalog! Our Club Penguin News Team is here to cover all the frightful hidden items, read the guide below to learn more!
Operation: Freddy Fiesta Funtime [US]
Hello? Hello, hello? Oh there you are, Rebels!! Today, we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB as we continued our FNAF and Horror themed week! We did some spooky tactics and haunted forms throughout our event. After that, we played a very fun game of Dress the Song!! Thank you all for participating in this event, and here’s the winners of Dress the Song!
Tuxedo Times – Issue #235
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Halloween is coming up, and FNAF has taken over!! Read all about this year’s Horror Week party, enjoy a recap of last week’s spooky costume events, and more!