For today’s US event, we logged on to Deep Freeze [CPR] for a sled racing tournament! Hopeful Rebels came out and gave it their all to make it onto the podium. Everyone raced valiantly, but at the end of the day, there could only be three winners. Let’s see who emerged victorious!

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Today we logged onto CPR – Zipline wearing the car costume as we drove around the island doing speedy tactics and formations. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never catch these rebels running out of steam!

MAX: 51

AVG: 49

Don’t forget to comment down below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Rebel Penguin Federation vs Army of Club Penguin – Fright or Fight Finals

Coming off of an exciting semi-finals week, both the Rebel Penguin Federation and Army of Club Penguin were entering the Fright or Fight finals with all the momentum in the world. The RPFACP matchup is almost as old as the army scene itself. The Rebels maxed 110 penguins online in their semi finals matchup against the Help Force, while the Army of Club Penguin maxed an astounding 113 against the Ice Warriors, beating their CPPS record. With sizes poised to be similar, this battle would come down to speed, crisp forms, and speedy and creative tactics. Judged by Fright or Fight judges LuciferStar, Cassie, and Kingfunks4, this battle was shaping up to be one for the history books.

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Rebels in Hollywood – Autumn 2020

Lights, cameras, action! The Party Planning Committee is ecstatic to formally introduce you all to the our next big project, Rebels in Hollywood! Get ready for a lavish weekend filled with the classiest events from Friday, November 20th – Sunday, November 22nd. This weekend’s lineup includes a film premiere night, movie themed events and a show stopping practice battle with our allies, the Ice WarriorsWe’ll also be holding our very own Night in Hollywood with an Awards show to follow! We hope you all enjoy as much as we enjoyed planning it for you. Be sure to continue reading for more information on our big week!

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The RNM Contest Team is ready to reveal the winners of the Fall Dress Up contest! This contest had rebels show of their best fall-themed outfits on Club Penguin Rewritten. After some careful deliberation, we’ve decided who deserves the top spots and rebel cash prizes!

With an astounding 35 submissions, the winners did a great job standing out. We love receiving submissions, but only 3 can come in the top spots…

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