Operation: Lookout [EU]

We logged onto Zipline – CPR for today’s EU event wearing the Explorer’s Outfit! We explored the island doing stellar tactics and formations. Great job today everyone, and thank you for coming!

MAX: 65

AVG: 63

Make sure to comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


At today’s US event, we hosted a Cart Surfer tournament on Club Penguin Rewritten! Before hitting the rails, we did some fun tactics in uniform. Great surfing today rebels, and keep on goggling rebels cart surfer!

However, only three people could come out on top in this tournament…

Access Report


Today we logged on to Deep Freeze for our AUSIA event, Operation: Loud and Proud! We wore our favourite instruments and certainly made a noise with our loud tactics and formations! Great job today, musicians of RPF!

MAX: 45

AVG: 43

Don’t forget to comment your discord name and rank if you attended.

Access Report