Operation: Net Profits [AUSIA]

Another day, another slay! Today the rebels logged onto CPAB to invade Hockey, ready to take more land away from the Secret Service. The battles have slowly become a one man show for SS, while the rebels keep scoring goals. With icesome tactics and greatzky formations, it was an easy win once again!

And the results are…

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Club Penguin Journey: Fair Party 2024 Guide

Step right up and grab your tickets and cozy jackets, because the Fair Party has officially begun on Club Penguin Journey!

Cotton candy, popcorn, carnival games, and festive quests are just the beginning of what awaits at this exciting party! Until October 21st, the island will be full of fun activities and silly costumes, as well as a visit from two infamous mascots!

Be sure to check out our guide for the Fair party quests here!

The Club Penguin News Team covers all updates for the Fair Party, so let’s dive in!

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Troop Of The Week #304

What a week it’s been! RPF has been at war, and the Rebels are fired up from our crazy winning streak!! So many troops have been coming out to attend each battle and for that we’re so grateful, as our army wouldn’t be what it is without them! However, some in particular have really stood out this week, so of course, we’ve chosen one of them as our newest Troop of the Week!! Keep scrolling down to see who it is!

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CPJ Stamp Guide – Cart Surfer

Cart Surfer is one of the most popular games on Club Penguin Journey, and is many penguins’ go-to minigame for grinding coins that can then be used to purchase items in the various catalogs across the island.

This is your ultimate Cart Surfer gameplay and stamp guide, with exclusive tips to help you go further than the standard game and earn more coins.

Discover our Ultimate Club Penguin Journey Guide for further game and stamp help!

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Hey gamer penguins! Welcome to the walkthrough guide that will help you earn all the stamps for Thin Ice on Club Penguin Journey!

You can find this game by entering the Night Club and going upstairs to the Dance Lounge. There, you will find the arcade game which you can walk up to and play.

Now let’s get 🔥fired up🔥 and jump right into this 🧊very cool🧊 game!

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Operation: Herbert’s Land [EU]

On a 13-0 unstoppable winning streak against the Secret Service, the rebels were confident their invasion of Polar on CPAB would add yet another trophy to their collection. The war has been long with many battles, and the rebels foes are retreating more and more… Have they really given up already?

And the results are…

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