Ending off our hectic week, we hosted our weekly branch battle with a slight twist! Both Air Force and Navy dressed red carpet ready in their respective branch colours. As well, our Head Generals also had the opportunity to lead in the battle! Everyone did a great job, however, there could only be one victor from this fierce showdown. The winner is… Access Report

Operation: Dream Dream Dream [AUSIA]

For today’s AUSIA event, we logged on to Blizzard for Operation: Dream Dream Dream! We dressed up in our Shark Boy and Lava Girl themed outfits and performed some spicy tactics around the island.

MAX: 60
AVG: 56

Don’t forget to comment your Discord username and rank below if you attended!

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Week of April 26th 2020

‘Did you know? Q is the only letter to not appear in any U.S State.’

Welcome to the second issue of the Tuxedo Times! Not only will be covering this exciting week, but a look back on the month of April to all the exciting things we did together!

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For today’s US event, we logged onto Marshmallow for Operation: Ensemble! Us rebels made some magnificent music around the island, rocking out with our best instruments. Awesome work by everyone, today!

MAX: 92
AVG: 83

Leave a comment below with your Discord name & rank if you attended.

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Operation: Marvelous Maestro [AUSIA]

Today the RPF logged onto Blizzard – Town for the AUSIA event Operation: Marvelous Maestro. We waddled around the island in the Conductor’s Suit, this month’s Penguins at Work, then had an exquisite time practicing our tactics and formations. Awesome job today Rebels!

MAX: 64

AVG: 64

Make sure to comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

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Troop Of The Week #141

We’ve had an exciting week in the Rebel Penguin Federation after competing in epic battles during the war. We’ve had new faces join our server and move up the ranks this week, but there’s one troop who really stood out to us. This week’s Troop Of The Week is…

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