Operation: MOAB [AUSIA]

Hello Rebels

Today we logged onto Deep Freeze for our AUSIA event Operation: MOAB (Mother of All Bombs)! We practiced our emotes and word bombs to make them as big as they can be! The event was really fun with some amazing tactics and forms! Great event everybody!


Average: 20

Make sure to comment down below if u attended the event!

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Troop Of The Week #102

Troop of the Week #102

It’s been a fantastic week for the Rebel Penguin Federation, with great events for all regions! We’ve had a surge of new members joining, even with the tons of Olympics events, so a huge thank you to everyone who’s been recruiting, and a welcome to our newest Rebels! Deciding the Troop of the Week is always a difficult task and it took a lot of discussion. However, there was one troop who really stood out to us. This week’s troop of the week is…

Lance has been a member of the RPF for a while now, making his entrance in March. Since then, he has subtly rose through the ranks and obtained the position of Officer.  He can always be found in chat, talking to his friends and making new ones along the way. He truly is a model of what we consider an ideal troop and for that reason we have decided that Lance deserves this week’s title of Troop of The Week! Congratulations!

Operation: Wrapped Rebels [US]

Hey there Rebels!

For today’s EU event we logged onto Sleet for Operation: Wrapped Rebels. We dressed in the mummy costume from the stage and went around the island in our wraps, performing fun tactics.

Max: 63+

Avg: 60

Amazing job to all who attended! Be sure to comment your discord name and rank below.

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Hi Rebels!

Today we logged onto Blizzard for today’s AUSIA event – Operation: Recruiting Riot! We first amazed the crowd by showing off our tactics and formations, then for the last 5 minutes, we scattered across the island for a recruiting riot! Great job today, and always remember to fight the good fight!

MAX: 25+

AVG: 24

Comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Hey Rebels!

Today we logged onto Zipline for our EU event where we dressed up in different colours and outfits to collect different stamps. We also did some great formations and tactics!

Don’t forget to comment your Discord name and rank to let us know you attended!

MAX: 50+

AVG: 44

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Heya Rebels!

We’re back to our regular schedule now, and we kicked it off with our AUSIA event, Operation: Pharaoh Phrenzy. We all dressed up in the Ra Ra Pharaoh outfit and walked like Egyptians all over the island, performing amazing tactics.

Max: 20+

Avg: 20

Well done to all who attended! Be sure to comment your discord name and rank below:

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RPF Summer Olympics 2019 – RESULTS

Hello RPF!

Last week was a busy week for everyone, with three events per day and intense competition in each event.  Your team leaders are all very proud of each and every one of you.  You braved the busy schedule and came out to so many events, dressed in your outfits and showing your team spirit.  Thank you all for making this Summer Olympics 2019 amazing!

But at the end of the day, there can only be one winner.

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