Hey Rebels!
Today’s EU Card-Jitsu Tournament was amazing! Everyone did a great job, and well done to those who took part. But only one team can get the gold medal:
Today’s EU Card-Jitsu Tournament was amazing! Everyone did a great job, and well done to those who took part. But only one team can get the gold medal:
We started the second day of Summer Olympics events with the AUSIA Card-Jitsu Tournament! Everyone did a great job, with various battles and eliminations. However, only one troop managed to bring home gold for their team.
We ended the first day of Summer Olympics events with the US Sled Race! The sledding was fast and fierce. In an exciting turn of events, a tie-breaker race was announced when most assumed it was all over! Pookie stepped up as Team Tater Captain to participate. In Captain Liz’s absence, Cheeseeater13 stepped up for Team Infinity. The race was close but the results are finally posted!
Today with our second official Summer Olympics event, the EU sled race tournament! All the teams fought furiously to claim victory but only one could come out as the victor.
Today we hosted the first of our Olympic events, the AUSIA Sled Race Tournament. It was a tough battle across the four teams but only one team claimed victorious.
Today we held the Opening Ceremony for the RPF Summer Olympics 2019. The ceremony began with a formal introduction of the themes, followed by a battle. This years teams are: Team Yeehaw, Team Infinity, Team Taters and Team Claw.
The Olympics have officially begun!
Comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!
15th July’19 – 21st July’19
We are back to give you a synopsis of the week’s events to see our tactics and forms! We also got the chance to hold the top 3 event submissions for the Event Contest: Operation: Sunrise, Operation: Puffle Invasion, and Operation: Rebel Penguin Fairies!
Allow me to give you a brief update on what the Rebel Penguin Federation special division known as the Strike Force has been doing over the past week in our second Strike Force Briefing.
The long-awaited Summer Olympics are finally here! You’ve all waited so patiently and we are pleased to announce that this years Olympics will open on Monday 22nd of July 2019.