Operation: Surprise Battle [EU/US]-Results

Hello Rebels

Today we logged onto Beanie for the EU surprise battle! It turned out to be a branch battler, where the navy and air force branches were brought back. Our objective was to  have fun while competing against each other, but there could only be one winner…



MAX: 50+

Make sure to comment with your discord name and rank down below!

Access Report


Hello Rebels

Today we logged onto Sleet for the AUSIA event where we did some amazing tactics and formations. Our objective was  to dress in the RF uniform and help the rise of the AUSIA. 



Make sure to comment with your discord name and  rank down below!

Access Report

Operation: Stamp Event [US]

Hello, RF!

For today’s US event, we logged onto Beanie to engage Operation: Stamp Event. We collected stamps with our fellow rebels and carried out some well-performed tactics in the process.  Great job to all who attended!

MAX: 38+

AVG: 34

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Robotic Rampage [US]


For today’s US event, we logged onto Zipline to carry out Operation: Robotic Rampage. Dressed in the robot uniform from the Stage, we had a great event and performed some terrific tactics. Well done, rebels!

MAX: 35+
AVG: 29

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Operation: Rise and Rebellion [US]


Today we hosted our US event on the server Beanie. Since we just recently updated our uniforms. this event was focused on showing them off around the island. In addition, we successfully performed quick tactics and great formations. We also had an impromptu rebel band performance! Well done rebels, we fought the good fight tonight! 

MAX: 45+
AVG: 39

Comment with your Discord/CPR name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

My Retirement

Hello RF

To start, I would like to thank everyone who’s been a part of my experience in the Rebel Federation. When I first joined I never expected to actually become an active member of the community which was, at the time, only going by “Rebel Penguin Federation.” What I remember is being unsure about the group, but becoming quickly intrigued as I made my first friends from here on voice chat.

I started to attend more events and become more active in chat. Each event, announcement, and promotion post would excite me. Most importantly, I would look forward to talking to my friends on chat every day.

RF lead me to meet people around the world who are so fascinating and lovely and who I might not have ever met without this. I can’t express my gratitude enough.

I’ve seen lots of things happen in and to the RF. The one thing that’s been the same through every trial, incident, or whatever you want to call it, is that the RF has picked itself back up and recovered every time. I know that it wouldn’t be able to do it without the hardworking people who contribute so much to it every day. So with that, I thank everybody who’s contributed to the RF in any way. Whether you led events with a hundred people or your main involvement was being one of those hundred attendees, you’ve made RF what it is today in some way, so thank you.

I am retiring, yes, but I’ll always keep RF dear to my heart and will never forget the many memories I’ve made while being a part of it. As always, fight the good fight.


CP Division Recap


11th February’19 – 17th February’19

Greetings Rebels,

The CP Division Recap Team is here to refresh your memory of this past week and all its memorable events! We had a rush week this time with all 3 regions holding events every day with new dynamic events as a part of Project: Revitalise. We had events with varying durations and really fun tournament events. This week we also started adding averages in our posts. Read on for more details!

Access Report