Christmas Bells, Those Christmas Bells

Are you happy with where this year has ended? If you are, let me be blunt: you shouldn’t be. Anyone who says that Armies are not dying is either kidding themselves or delusional. But our fate is not yet set in stone. If you want to make that change, want to make a difference, the time is now. Stand up, and, this Christmas, take your Christmas cheer and spread it. Spread that spirit of joining together and forgiveness that this holiday is so mysteriously able to inspire in so many. Join together and save what we have built from its ultimate destruction.

Those words aren’t my own, those are the words of a former CPAC CEO by the name of Bluesockwa2. This was the final paragraph of a post made in December 2014 to both celebrate Christmas and warn about the dramatic fall that armies had suffered that year. Four years have passed, and the words spoken in this paragraph proved true. By the time that Club Penguin’s inevitable shutdown happened, there were no armies who had the will to fight against fate. But then, there was the Rebel Penguin Federation. Through inspiration, strength and undying loyalty to the cause we believe in, which is the good fight, we were able to survive and even prosper in the situation we were given. It has been four years since that post, yet we’re still alive. To mark the holiday season, I find it only appropriate that I pay homage to this post, and at the same time give my opinion on the status of the current RPF/Rebel Federation.

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