Operation: YARR! [AUSIA]

Greetings, Rebels!

Today we logged on to Blizzard for Operation: YARR! We were all decked out in pirate outfits and celebrated the return of the much awaited Rockhopper by performing tactics that set the party’s mood just right, great job everyone!

Max: 15+


Make sure you comment with your name and rank if you attended the event!

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Operation: Rebel Pizza Federation [US]

Hello, RF!

For today’s US event, we logged onto Zipline and claimed to be RPF once again (Rebel Pizza Federation) by dressing in the pizza apron to prepare pizzas for the whole island.  We served up some dough-lightful tactics and formations throughout the event.  This marks the first event of our new Club Penguin Division Discord Server and we hit huge sizes! Great job to everyone who attended!

MAX: 62+
AVG: 59

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Access Report

Club Penguin Rewritten March 2019 Igloo Secrets

Click HERE to join the Rebel Federation, the BIGGEST group on CP Rewritten! We have loads of fun events as well as mascot trackers and catalogue secrets!


Heya Rebels!

The igloo catalogue has just been updated, so there are loads of new secret items to be found! Keep reading to find out where they are.

Page 1

The first page in the catalogue has 3 secrets.

Click 1 to find a Clover Balloon.

Click 2 to find a Green Clover.

To find the classic HDTV, click 3.

Page 2

Page two in the catalogue has 3 secrets.

Click 1 to find a Green Bench.

To find a Green Bookcase, click 2.

Click 3 to find a Green Deck Chair.

Page 3

The 3rd page in the catalogue has 2 secrets.

To find a Marshmallow click 1.

Click 2 to find a sweet Candy Stash.

Page 4

The fourth page in the catalogue has 4 secrets.

Get the Treasure Chest by clicking on the hole in the middle of the Sunken Wall

To get the Hanging Moss click on the edge of the Sunken Pillar as shown in the picture

Find the Crystals by clicking on the bottom right of the Ancient Archway, as shown in the picture.

Get the Sea Weed by clicking on the moss marked on the Tidal Pools

Page 5

The 5th page has 3 secrets.

Get the Clam by clicking on the red stripe on the Life Ring, as marked in the picture

Unlock the Bamboo Torch by clicking on the handle on the Inflatable Whale

Get the Sea Streamers by clicking on the right leg of the Folding Chair

Page 3

The third page has 4 secrets. 

Get the Spiral Coffee Tree by clicking on the handle on the top drawer of the Log Drawers

Find the Coffee Table by clicking on the coin underneath the words Wooden Crate

To get the Coffee Couch click the branch on the far right of the Log Bench

Get the HD TV by clicking on the Log Stump as marked in the picture.

Page 7

On the 7th page there are 4 secrets.

The first secret can be found by clicking on the leg of the black couch. You’ll then be able to purchase the black bookcase.

Next, click on the leg of the black plus chair to find the second secret. Then, you can buy the black lamp!

The third secret is accessible by clicking on the leg of the white table. After you click that, you may buy the white lamp!

To get the last secret on this page you need to click on the letter “I” in the world “WHITE.” After that, you can buy the white bookcase.

Page 8

On the eighth page there are 3 secrets.

The first secret is found by clicking on the eye of the pinata. If you do so, you can get the mexican rug.

Next, click on the left flower on the mexican vase to buy the penguin mask!

Last for this page, click on the pot of the large cactus to buy the terracotta pot.

Page 9

On the ninth page there are 2 secrets.

First, click on the bottom right small section of the mirror to buy a dinner chair!

Then, for the second secret on this page you can click on the cabinet door handle to buy a dinner table!

Page 10

On the tenth page there are 2 secrets.

If you click on the holly berries you will be able to buy the Wood Stove

By clicking on the middle of the bow on the wreath you will be able to buy the Holiday Bells

Page 11

On page 11 of the catalogue there are are 4 secret items!

If you click on the star on the Christmas Tree you can buy the Wooden Reindeer

You can buy a Leaning Tree if you click the middle tree on the base of the Small Christmas Tree

The third secret item on this page is a candle which can be found by clicking the bow on the middle present

By clicking on the light from the lantern you can buy the Door Garland

Page 12

On page twelve there are 4 secrets.

If you click on the mistletoe you can find the Gingerbread Couch

By clicking on the Snowman’s button you can obtain the Gingerbread Chair

Clicking on the Bird’s eye will show you the Snowflake item

Lastly, by clicking on the red bow you can buy a Nutcracker

To keep getting regular CPR news updates, Mascot Trackers, Walkthroughs, Events, and Catalogue Secrets join the Rebel Federation now!

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Check to see the latest upcoming events, catalogues and secrets!

To view our mascot tracker, codes, and various other special secrets, join us on our discord by clicking here.

Hey Rebels!

Below are all the upcoming events on CPR!

Rockhoppers Arrival

Rockhopper’s ship will be docking up on the island on March 7th

Igloo Catalogue

The new Igloo catalogue will be released on March 7th.
Check our February secrets guide here.

New Igloo Music

Collectable Pin

Hidden until March 14th, find the newest pin here!

St Patrick’s Parade

The next CPR event has been confirmed! The paddy party will be starting on March 14th

How To Become A Tour Guide

      Hello Rebels!

Note: To become a Tour Guide, your penguin must be 45 days old. Refer back to this guide if you have not currently met the criteria!

I will be showing you how to become a Tour Guide which is unlockable at the booth outside the Ski Village and Everyday Phoning Facility (EPF). This is what it looks like on your map and in the room itself:

After clicking on the Tour Stand (circled above), you will get this popup:

Click on the section highlighted. This will then take you to the Test in which you will be asked 8 questions which are all random from the list below. There are a total of 14 questions.

After submitting your 8 correct answers, you will receive another popup saying:

Click on ‘Receive the Tour Guide Hat’ to finally claim your hat that you worked hard for ;’)

After doing so, another popup with the award will come up:

Make sure you click ‘Yes’ otherwise you will have to start the test again.

And that’s it! Congratulations on becoming a Tour Guide in Club Penguin Rewritten!

Note: As of March 2019, Tour Guides will be getting paid 250 coins every month.

To keep getting regular CPR news updates, Mascot Trackers, Walkthroughs, Events, and Catalogue Secrets join the Rebel Federation now!



Hello Rebels

Today we logged onto  Zipline for the EU Luck O’THE IRISH  event where we dressed in the leprechaun Tuxedo from the gift shop and  wanted to turn everyone green. The event was really fun and we even did some amazing tactics and formations! Great event Rebels!



Make sure to comment with your  discord name and rank down below!

Access Report

Operation: Igloo Raids [US]

Hello, RF!

For today’s US event, we logged onto Beanie to carry out igloo raids!  Members were given the option of having their igloos filled up by the RF in order to achieve the igloo stamps, which many members got.  Great job to all who attended!

MAX: 37+
AVG: 34

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Access Report