Hey, Rebels!

Today we logged onto Marshmallow town for an excellent reenactment of a battle against our worst enemy, the Nachos. The air force split to the nachos and the infantry and navy combined to form up the RPF. This battle was incredible to participate in and we all had a great time.

Of course in the end, the good guys won, and that would be…


Comment your name and rank if you attended!

Max: 40+

Access Report


Greetings RF!

Today we logged onto the server for our EU event! The tactics and formations were amazing throughout! OUR OBJECTIVE: RUN AROUND THE ISLAND DOING SEVERAL BOMB TACTICS. We definitely completed this, our bombs were huge!

Max: 50+

Comment below with your name and rank to say you attended!

Access Report



Today, as you know is the seventh day of the AUSIA Project;Resurgence. Our objective was to was to mark the beginning of a new rise by reaching 60+ .We did some awesome tactics and formations. After the event ended ,we held a recruiting session for the greater good of RF and to progress towards our  main goal for the project which is; to recruit between 300-500 members.

Make sure to comment with you name and rank down below  


Access Report

Minecraft: Robbing a Bank Isn’t Cool

You don’t want anyone stealing your precious diamonds. In order to prevent anyone from doing this, you just have to feed your diamonds to a creeper nearby, unless you have your difficulty set to peaceful, which in that case you have to eat them yourself.

My favorite enchantment is Sharpness because then my sword is extra sharp which means when I hit an enemy THAT’S A LOT OF DAMAGE.

Comment for Promotion


Promotions will be out TOMORROW, and if you comment on this post it will give you a good chance at receiving one! Make sure to comment the following

1. Your name on RF chat
2. Your rank
3. Your activity level (1-10)
4. Why do you think you deserve a promotion?

IMPORTANT NOTICE: There has recently been a change in the name of the ranks, make sure you check the rank you have on the RF discord and use that one when you comment.