Hola Rebels!
Today, I am very excited to announce that the Contest Team is embarking on another RNM contest! This contest is perfect for everyone-even if you don’t feel art is your strong point. It is, of course, an IGLOO CONTEST.
Today, I am very excited to announce that the Contest Team is embarking on another RNM contest! This contest is perfect for everyone-even if you don’t feel art is your strong point. It is, of course, an IGLOO CONTEST.
Today we logged onto the server for our EU event! The tactics and formations were amazing throughout! OUR OBJECTIVE: RUN AROUND THE ISLAND DOING SEVERAL BOMB TACTICS. We definitely completed this, our bombs were huge!
Comment below with your name and rank to say you attended!
Today, as you know is the seventh day of the AUSIA Project;Resurgence. Our objective was to was to mark the beginning of a new rise by reaching 60+ .We did some awesome tactics and formations. After the event ended ,we held a recruiting session for the greater good of RF and to progress towards our main goal for the project which is; to recruit between 300-500 members.
Make sure to comment with you name and rank down below
You don’t want anyone stealing your precious diamonds. In order to prevent anyone from doing this, you just have to feed your diamonds to a creeper nearby, unless you have your difficulty set to peaceful, which in that case you have to eat them yourself.
My favorite enchantment is Sharpness because then my sword is extra sharp which means when I hit an enemy THAT’S A LOT OF DAMAGE.
Today we logged onto the CPR server “Sleet” for the battle of the branches! All teams performed magnificently and the results were very close, but there can only be one winner of this!
The winner is…
Today we wore outfits based on Memes for the AUSIA event on the server Sleet! We performed several formations and tactics and recruited penguins across the island. Our objective was to make preparations before the final day of the project, and we definitely did that!
Comment with your name and rank if you attended!
Promotions will be out TOMORROW, and if you comment on this post it will give you a good chance at receiving one! Make sure to comment the following
1. Your name on RF chat
2. Your rank
3. Your activity level (1-10)
4. Why do you think you deserve a promotion?
IMPORTANT NOTICE: There has recently been a change in the name of the ranks, make sure you check the rank you have on the RF discord and use that one when you comment.
Hello everyone!
Club Penguin Rewritten released their December 2018 igloo catalogue a while ago. With the catalogue comes many secret items that can be purchased. Read this post to find out where they are!
For today’s US event, we logged onto Sleet to carry out Operation: Far From Over. Our objective was to have a huge event to show that the RF is coming into 2019 strong! We definitely met this goal, showing off our terrific tactics and fast formations. Great work to everyone who attended!
Comment with your name and rank below if you attended!