Project: Resurgence – Day 1 – Genesis [AUSIA]

Greetings, Rebels!

Today, as you know is the first day of the AUSIA project; Resurgence. Our objective was to give rise to the beginning of this new project, and maxing 45+. We did swift tactics and formations. After 30 minutes into the event, we held a recruiting session for the greater good of RF and also to reach our main goal for the project; To recruit between 300 to 500 members in this project. Our journey has just begun. Following are a few pictures taken at today’s event.

Max: 50+

If you attended, comment with your Discord/CPR name and RF rank to boost promotion chances…


Access Report


Salutations, Rebels

Today we logged onto Sleet for our EU event where we did some awesome tactics and formations at a great pace and we wore the baker’s apron. Our objective was to wear the baker’s apron and show off our cake-tastic tactics.

Make sure to comment with your name and rank down!

Max: 30+


Access Report

Comment for Promotion


Promotions will be out TOMORROW, and if you comment on this post it will give you a good chance at receiving one! Make sure to comment the following

1. Your name on RF chat
2. Your rank
3. Your activity level (1-10)
4. Why do you think you deserve a promotion?


Greetings RF

Today we logged onto Blizzard for our AUSIA event where we did some awesome tactics and formations with great pace and we wore the miners helmet. Our objective was to to prepare for project Resurgence .

Comment below with your name and rank to say you attended!

MAX: 40+

Access Report

Operation: Fantastic Formations [US]

Well hey there, RF!

Today we logged onto Sleet for operation Fantastic Formations! The tactics were superb throughout the entire event. Our objective was to practice quickly getting into and out of formations and may I say we succeeded! Great job today, Rebels.

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Max: 30+

Access Report



For today’s US choose-day, all troops were allowed to host and play games of their choice.  The objective of this event was to choose between games hosted by members of the RF and have fun, and our objective was met!  Some of the games we played included, Brawl Stars, Stardew Valley,, and Counterstrike: Global Offense.

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Here are pictures from the games we played:

Access Report



For today’s EU choose-day, all troops were allowed to host and play games of their choice.  The objective of this event was to choose between games hosted by members of the RF and have fun, and our objective was met!  Some of the games we played included, Fortnite,, Roblox, and Counterstike: Global Offensive.

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Here are pictures from the games we played:

Access Report

AUSIA Choose-Day [AUSIA]


For today’s AUSIA Choose-Day we allowed any troops to host a game of their choice! The objective of this event was to choose between games hosted by members of the RF and have fun and our objective was met!

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Here are some pictures of the games that were hosted:

Access Report

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