Comment For Promotion

Hey there RF!

 Promotions will be out soon, so be sure to comment on this post to ensure your chances of receiving one. Use the following format:

1. Your name on Discord
2. Your rank
3. Your activity level (1-10)
4. Why do you think you deserve a promotion?

Operation: Moo-ve it [RESULTS]

Hello, RPF!

It’s me Mishka back again with another event post! Today we logged on Marshmallow – Town for our event Operation Moo-ve it.  For this event, we all wore a cow costume. Our tactics were Pun-tastic and our formations were excellent. We mooved from room to room quickly and stomped around the island noisily. Overall it was an awesome event, well done to everyone who attended.

MAX: 25+


Access Report

CPR Gariwald’s Mansion Party [CPR Event]

Hello, Rebels!

Today we’ll be looking at another CPR event, Gariwald’s Mansion. We’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of this party!

First, to actually get to the mansion, head to the Forest and go straight to the large house.

When inside, click on either the chest in the middle of the screen or the key in the top righthand corner to open up the key menu.

Hovering over any of the keys gives you a hint as to where they may be, clicking on any of the keys will take you to the room they are in, and if you want to find them by yourself stop reading here! Access Report

CPR Halloween Candy Hunt 2018 [CPR Event]

Hello, Rebels!

Today we’ll be taking a look at one of the most recent events held on CPR, the Halloween Candy Hunt of 2018! We’ll give you a step-by-step guide to make sure you have a sweet time.

First, grab yourself a pumpkin basket for all the collectibles from the Plaza.

Next, open up the basket interface and get the first clue.

All of the clues can be found on the notecard after you find the one it’s hinting at, and if you want to complete the hunt yourself read no further! Access Report

Operation: Ascend [Results]

Hello, Rebels!

It’s Klein here with the privilege to post this event. This was the second event of our project: Rise of US! We logged onto the server Ascent (punny). We struggled at the beginning of the event, maxing only a few. However, after a lot of work with the mods, we managed to max double what we had. Twitchy yet again had some great leading, when there were few owners online! This event was elongated to be 40 minutes, in order to improve our numbers, tactics, and precision! Everyone certainly learned a lesson from this event. Despite the struggle, we proved were still on a rise.

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

Max: 16+

Access Report


Greetings, RF

Today we logged onto marshmallow for Operation: Anniversary. We celebrated the 13th birthday of club penguin. we had amazing formations and astonishing tactics.  Additionally, we completed the objective to Celebrate Club Penguin’s 13th anniversary!

Max: 20+

Comment down below with your name and rank to increase your promotion 

Access Report

Unscheduled US Event – RESULTS!


At 11pm EST today, with only 40 minutes notice, we logged onto Marshmallow. Twitchy543 led the event for his first full event back. The event was exceptional – for being at almost midnight, we had good numbers, as well as our tactics were amazing. We did something new – a 4XIC, or 4x Iron Curtain where we went around the island four times with no maps. Great job today!


 MAX: 22+

Access Report

Troop Interviews – Hexxer, Jake

Troop Interviews

This week marks the fortieth official edition of “Troop Interviews”, where a team of interviewers (currently are Amadeus23, Marija, Track, MissMariss, Litt, and Klein) ask two or more individuals questions. These questions that are asked may not be the same throughout each interview as it is wanted for each interview to be original and have its own unique highlights. Along with that, the questions asked are to achieve a better understanding of each rebel and how different/similar everyone is to one another. There are many rebels here in the Rebel Federation, as you may know, so it will be difficult to get to everyone who requests to be interviewed.

The two interviewees for this week are Hexxer and Jake!

Access Report