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Read about all the shenanigans the Rebels have been up to in this first week of April, including a shocking war declaration, and enjoy the return of our Challenge of the Week column!
Read about all the shenanigans the Rebels have been up to in this first week of April, including a shocking war declaration, and enjoy the return of our Challenge of the Week column!
Heyy Rebels! Today we logged onto CPJ – Blizzard and donned our box outfit. We performed some amusing tactics and many clean formations. We also completed the group quests. Great job at the event.
Make sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attend today/s event
Today we logged on to CPAB-Klondike for a practice battle with the Army of Club Penguin! This shortened battle showcased with great tactics and formations that both armies have been training hard since March Madness! After the battle, penguins from both armies waddled over to CPJ-Blizzard for a sled racing tournament! Everyone played well, but one penguin came out on top:
Shwmae Rebels! It’s the first week of April and what an exciting week we’ve had! We went to war with our brother allies, and very quickly returned to peace after it turned out it was an April Fool’s joke. With this excitement in mind it is time to announce this week’s Troop of the Week! Read on to find out who won the title this week…
What’s up New Directioners… I mean Rebels! Today’s event defied gravity and rocked the boat on CPAB-Icebreaker! Whether you dressed as the quarterback, a cheerio, or Mr. Shu himself, we delived in-tune tactics and fan-favorite formations that would make any Gleek proud. Thank you for putting on a standing-O worthy show with us Rebels, and if you weren’t there… that’s what you missed onnnn Glee!
Don’t forget to comment your discord name and rank below if you attended!
Hullo folks!
Watch out ’cause April Fools has come crashing down on the island! With the most chaotic party of all time on our tails, the Club Penguin News Team has got you covered in guiding you across the crazy rooms with crazier items to collect. Let us not waste time and jump into these new dimensions!
Welcome to the 2024 CPJourney April Fool’s Party Quest Guide! Along with its brother CPPS, CPJ has brought along a multitude of quests to keep you entertained throughout this insane party! Keep reading below to see how to fulfill the party quests. Also, don’t forget to check out our separate overall party guide right over here! Without further ado, let’s dive in!
Hello Rebels! Today we logged on to CPJ-BLIZZARD-POOL for this fun and cool Igloo Raid event In our amazing Snail costumes! We did some fun and good looking tactics and then we got to the Igloo raiding! everyone did amazing and we loved how all of your igloos looked! Till next time Rebels!
Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!
Event Pics:
In the last week of March, the Rebels wrapped up a tournament, hosted an egg-stravagant Easter party, and more!! Check it all out below!
Heya Rebels! April is here, which means a new CPJourney penguin style catalog! This catalog has lots of silly and spring items, and of course, lots of secrets! Continue reading to check out all of the silliness and catalog secrets!