Okay, let’s do this one last time, yeah? For real this time. This is it. We’re RPF HCOM. We were bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last week, we’ve been the one and only Spider-COM. We think you know the rest. We hosted the Olympics. We led our teams. Won some medals. And when we feel alone, like no one understands what we’re going through, we remember our friends who get it. We never thought we’d be able to do any of this stuff. But we can. Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn’t know that before, we hope you do now. Cuz we’re Spider-COM. And we’re not the only one. Not by a long shot.
That’s right rebels! You’re also able to wear the mask – and you have done for the last week! And what fun we’ve had doing so. Each and every one of you picked up the mantle of Spider-Penguin with so much enthusiasm, and HCOM couldn’t be prouder. Between attending events, hyping, competing, and showing top level team spirit, it’s your efforts which have made this week memorable!
Without further ado, let’s get to the main event: the final results…
Access Report