VROOM! VROOM! Hey there Rebels! For today’s event, we logged on to Warzone -CPAB for a classic AUSIA event! We hopped into our cars and went on the ride of our lives! We rolled into fun formations and honked the loudest of tactics as we drove around the swirling streets across the island! Good ride Rebels!

MAX: 17

AVG: 16

Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the event!

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Operation: Get A Move On [EU]

Hey rebels! For today’s event we logged onto Ice Breaker – CPAB for another training event! We wore our RPF uniforms with any purple or gold item as we practiced doing strong forms and tactics! Thanks to everyone who came out today! 

MAX: 18

AVG: 17

Make sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended today!

Access Report


Hello Rebels! For our EU event, we logged on to Ice Breaker-CPAB back into prehistoric times! Grabbing our T-Rex hoodies, we adventured into the ancient wildlife of the dinosaurs while roaring fierce tactics and running miles to do the most daring formations! RAWR Rebels!

MAX: 15

AVG: 15

Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the event!

Access Report