Fights on Rebels! We have successfully made it to the semi final round of the Legends Cup XIII. We logged on to Warzone-CPAB to fight against the Water Vikings and secure a spot in the grand finale! Wearing our uniforms and our hearts on the front lines, we fought the Vikings in a mighty battle for glory! Both armies fought bravely, but only one could ultimately come on top…


MAX: 32

AVG: 31

Thank you so much for attending folks! Be sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the battle!

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Operation: Surf Surf Crazy [EU]

Hii rebels! For today’s event we logged onto Icebreaker – CPAB with our surfboards for a Catchin’ Waves tournament! We did awesome tactics and forms then hit the waves with our surfboards! Now to announce our tourney winners….🥁🥁🥁

in first place with a score of 3311 and the winner of the Surf Star role is….


in second place with a score of 3303 is…


and finally in third place with a score of 2692 is….


congrats winners!!

Max: 21

Make sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended today’s event!!

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Hi rebels! Today we logged onto Warzone – CPAB for our MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS 🤯 event! We showcased our stupendous and awe-inspiring forms and tactics in classic RPF attire to train for our upcoming tournament semifinal! Rebels, we really were the mother of all bombs.

MAX: 21

Make sure to comment with your discord name and rank if you attended this event!

Access Report

Operation: Ready, Set, Paint! [EU]

Hey there Rebels! Time for another training event. With the recent Legends Cup battle being a success, we had another training event to sharpen our skills in order to further progress in the tournament! For this event we logged onto Ice Breaker-CPABattleground wearing some Painters Outfits! We decorated the island head to toe while doing tactics and formations to get us all in shape for the weekends big battle! Great job at the event everyone!



Don’t forget to comment with your Discord Username and Rank if you attended so you can get a giveaway point!

Access Report

Legends Cup XIII Quarter-finals [EU]

Legends cup has finally arrived! Today was our first battle of the tournament as we began the journey to regain our title! We logged onto Icebreaker-CPA Battleground, while wearing the classic RPF Uniform, and fought against the Help Force! Both armies fought very well through all 3 rooms to progress to the next tournament stage however only one could ultimately win the battle…

Access Report


Heya Rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged onto Battleground – CPAB for a classic training event. We wore the iconic RPF uniform and had a fantastic time sharpening our amazing forms and tactics. Amazing job, Rebels, and thank you for attending!


AVG: 15

Don’t forget to comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


Hello my dear Rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged on to Klondike-CPAB for a classical scavenger hunt! We wore our best detective outfits, and followed the clues around the island while performing sneaky formations and shrewd tactics to solve the mystery! Good job Rebel detectives!

MAX: 20

Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the event!

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Operation: Spread Your Wings [EU]

Hey there rebels! Time for our first training event before the big tournament! We logged onto Icebreaker-CPAB wearing all sorts of colourful wings. Waddling around the island, we displayed our swift tactics and neat forms. Great job at this bird-tiful training event!



Make sure to comment below with your Username and Rank in our server if you attended this event!

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