Operation: Clover Rumble [EU]

Hey there rebels! With Legends Cup right round the corner, its time for another practice battle! Today we logged on to Battleground CPAB and fought it out against the Army of Club Penguin in a fun battle wearing the legendary RPF Uniform to get ready for the big tournament! We fought it out with speedy tactics and neat formations. Great job at this practice battle everyone!



Make sure you comment below with your Discord Username and Rank in our server if you attended!

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Hey there Rebel batters! For today’s EU event, we put on our baseball uniforms and logged onto Klondike – CPAB for a fun match! We grabbed our mitts and ran around the island hitting homerun formations and chanting victory tactics. Good game as usual Rebels!

MAX: 25

Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank in the comments on your way if you attended the game!

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Ready for some hide and seek? Hiya Rebels for today’s event, we logged onto Warzone – CPAB wearing the water and fire Card Jitsu suits as we went around the island doing wonderful tactics and formations. Thank you to everyone who decided to come! There can only be one winner and the winner is…..


MAX: 18

Make sure to comment with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

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Hiya Rebels! For today’s EU event, we logged on to Ice Breaker-CPAB for an oldie but a goodie… a Hydro Hopper Tournament! Geared up in our swimming gear, we hopped around the island performing fun tactics and daring formations. Then, we braved the waves on our life rings, where only three were able to come out unscathed…

In first place, with a score of 1,032 coins and winning 1,000 Rebel Cash and the limited time Hydro Hopping role, we have…


Coming in second place, with a score of 324 coins and winning 750 Rebel Cash, congratulations to…

Master DS

And finally in third place, with a score of 267 coins and winning 500 Rebel Cash, let’s give a round of applause to…


Congratulations to all the winners, and a special shoutout to all the participants! Thank you for coming folks!

MAX: 19

Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the event!

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