RPF Winter Olympics 2025 Results

emcee. you weren’t in that chat. we all had fun. we treated that as our main. we became a close group of friends. we talked about life. they helped me through a break up in that channel. we talked about our mental health. we talked about how we were struggling in school. how hard life was getting. but they took that away from us. i don’t speak for only myself when i say this, they took that friendship from us. we can’t talk about it in main because it’s constant spam about nothing 24/7. so it was very important to my RF experience. you took my friends away by doing this. you’re now forcing us all to be something we’re not.
That’s right! We did have fun, and became closer from it, but it is now time for the 2025 Winter Olympics to come to a close. With this in mind, it’s time to recap the results!

Access Report

Operation: Sheepish Rebels [EU]

Ewe herd it here first, Rebels! No sheepishness here – for today’s event we logged onto CPJ – Blizzard at the Docks dressed in our Big Bad Wool Suits. It was a shear delight to witness wool-derful tactics in stunning and ewe-nique formations! A huge thank ewe to those who showed up and helped with spreading baaa-sitivity around the island!

MAX: 38

AVG: 37

Remember to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended!

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Operation: Winter Olympics 2025 Closing Ceremony [EU]

Hello Rebels! We logged onto CPAB – Tuxedo for our Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony, in which all 3 teams battled against each other and we celebrated all the fun tournaments that we all occurred in this past week. With our pika-perfect tactics and eevee-lucious forms, we definitely were not sleeping on this ceremony. We also congratulated Team Nemui on getting 1st place overall in these Olympics, with a total score of 580 points! We would also like to thank every single person in Team Shinka and Team Denki for putting up such an amazing performance, and we hope that EVERYONE had an amazing time during these Olympics, no matter if it was your first one, or your fifth one!

MAX: 55

AVG: 54

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended this event!

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Troop Interviews: New Year Edition

Welcome to a very Special Edition of the Troop Interviews column! 2024 has drawn to a close, and with that comes time for reflection and anticipation for the new year.

So without further ado lets get into the interviews with 5 of our members, ranging from some of our newest troops to our long serving staff and veterans, where they shared their thoughts around the passing year! It’s a long one, so be sure to get a snack and enjoy!

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Operation: Getting Cheesy with Eevee [US]

Hey rebels! For the last pizzatron tournament and also last tournament of the olympics, we logged onto CPJSLEET, went to the Ice Rink and ate some puffles pizza while doing our yeast tactics and formations. Afterwards, we competed to see who could make the most pizzas in 3 rounds of Pizzatron.

And the winners are… Access Report