Hey, Rebels! Welcome back to another event post. To start off this week of events, we logged onto Battleground – CPAB for Operation: Turtle (Dove) Necks. Rebels went around the island looking dapper in their turtlenecks as they did some fabulous formations and tactics for a successful training event for Christmas Chaos XII. Thank you to everyone who attended!

MAX: 22
AVG: 21

Be sure to comment your DISCORD NAME and RANK if you attended!

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Operation: Fifa Frenzy [EU]

Hi Rebels! Today, we teamed up and met up in CPL-Stadium wearing our warm tracksuits to shoot some goals! We ran into strong formations and yelled winning tactics! Well done team!

MAX: 23

Dont forget to comment down with your name and rank if you attended today!

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Troop of the Week #269

Troop of the Week #269

As our Autumn Art Festival draws to a close, it becomes time for the hand over of our Troop of the Week award! After a week of various fun activities and events, it brings into question just who this week’s lucky troop will be?! With this in mind it’s time to induct the newest member to the Troop of the Week club…

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Buzz, Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Blizzard – CPLegacy wearing our bee-utiful bee costumes. We buzzed around the island doing some lovely tactics in clean forms. Amazing job everyone!

MAX: 18

Be sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

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Hey there Rebels! Today, we logged on to Klondike CPABattleground for our US event, Operation: Ice N Spice! We competed in a fun practice battle with our allies, the Ice Warriors! Both armies performed some awesome forms and quick tactics and did an amazing job. Great job at today’s event, Rebels!


AVG: 12

Don’t forget to comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended today’s event!

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