In light of the World-Cup, we logged on to Blizzard -CPL for our EU event dressed in our country’s colors to honor the different teams around the world. Geared up in our football jerseys and our cheering props, we paraded around the island showing off neat formations and chanting victory tactics as we headed to the top! Some dream about goals, while we made them – GOOOOAAAAL!!! Good game Rebels!

MAX: 19

AVG: 17

Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended the event!

Access Report


Hey, Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Blizzard – CPLegacy for Operation: Clown Conundrum. We went around the island dressed as Cracked clowns while doing all types of circus tricks and clown-like formations and tactics for a successful event. Thank you to everyone who attended!

MAX: 11

Be sure to comment your DISCORD NAME and RANK if you attended!

Access Report


Hey there Rebels! As part of the last day of our Autumn Arts Festival weekend, we logged on to Battleground-CPAB for a quick invasion with our colorful scarves to paint the island with our colors of victory and abstract formations. Then, we wrapped things up with a pizza-decorating tournament playing the classic Candy Pizzatron game! Great job Rebels!

Access Report


Hey, Rebels! For the second RPF event of the Autumn Arts Festival, we logged onto Blizzard – CPL wearing our ladybug costumes. We crawled around the island doing some lady-like tactics in various clean forms. Everyone looked awesome! 

MAX: 16

AVG: 16

Be sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

Access Report