Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fair- hem! Who’s the most fabulous of them all? In today’s EU event, darling, we logged on to Abominable-CPRewritten to get in touch with our inner divas! Dressed in black and white, we designed the most brilliant of tactics and walked the walk with our de vil–lainous sense of fashion!
Max: 25
Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended, darling!
Let’s get down to business! Today, the Rebels logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for a Mulan-inspired event! Wearing Mulan-themed attire we performed honourable and venerable tactics and formations! Great job today, Rebels!
MAX: 21
AVG: 20
Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank below!
Operation: Flaming Hot Cheetos [US]
Hey there, Rebels! For today’s US event, we logged onto Abominable – CPRewritten for Operation: Flaming Hot Cheetos! We went around the island dressed up in hot sauce Gi outfits for this U-lead where we roasted staff with clever tactics in hot forms! Overall, amazing job at the event today, Rebels!
MAX: 26
AVG: 25
Make sure you comment with your Discord Username and Rank if you attended!
Troop of the Week #239
Troop of the Week #239
As the Rebels come off of a week filled with fun events before hitting March Madness next week, it is finally time to announce this week’s Troop of the Week. There were many candidates for the prestigious honor this week, but one longtime member stood out the most amongst the others.
Feeling lucky? We logged onto ABOMINABLE–CPRewritten wearing the LEPRECHAUN OUTFIT. We jigged our way throughout the island with our golden tactics and leprechaun-approved formations. Irish you a HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!
MAX: 24
AVG: 23
Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!
Greetings Rebels! Today we met up on Zipline for this AUSIA Event! We donned our hard helmets and took to the mines in hunt of diamonds – but not before completing some well polished tactics and untarnished forms! Well done everyone!
MAX: 29
Be sure to leave your Discord Name and Rank below!
Ever seen those purple names in chat and wondered who they are? Every RPF Veteran has a story, and today marks the second edition of the new Vet Spotlight column – a column where Sharki, Yvng, and Alienn will take you through the story of some of RPF’s most famous Vets! Today, we are starting with one of RPF’s most well known vets and CPA Legend: Ultipenguinj.
Ribbit ribbit! For today’s hop–eration, we channeled our inner frog for a riveting (or should we say ribbiting) event! The rebels hopped onto Abominable – CPRewritten wearing the new Froggy Floaty item, and as we leapt across the island, we kermitted ourselves to some toad–ally awesome tactics and froggy formations! What a fun event this was!!
MAX: 23
AVG: 21
Be sure to comment below with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!
Do you hear that noise? It’s the Rebel Band!! Today, the Rebels logged onto Abominable–CPRewritten and played their beautiful tunes! A variety of instruments came out to play their tunes and left the crowd cheering and applauding! With our melodious tactics and smooth forms, the crowd chanted for an encore!
MAX: 26
AVG: 25
Make sure to comment your Discord Username and Rank below if you attended!