Operation: Pizza À La Rebel [AUSIA]

Hello Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for a very sweet Candy Pizzatron tournament. We wore our pizza costumes doing fantastic tactics and forms before having a heated pizza making battle! Everyone showed off their pizza skills but only one can be the winner……

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Hey Rebels! Today we decided to show our spirit by logging on to Zipline whilst wearing cheerleading uniforms! For this EU event we did an excellent job showing our perfect forms and our loud and proud tactics! Well done everyone!

MAX: 28

AVG: 26

Be sure to leave your discord name and rank below!

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Today, we logged onto Abominable CPRewritten to celebrate the upcoming Card-Jitsu party wearing our Bamboo Hats! Together, we bamboozled the island with our senseitional tactics and zen formations! Nice work Rebels, we made our senseis proud!

MAX: 24

AVG: 23

Be sure to comment below with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

Access Report


How’s it rolling, rebels? Today we logged onto Abominable – CPRewritten for a groovy event to end the week! We put on our rollerblades and skated into some speedy formations with some funky tactics! Good work, Rebels!

MAX: 30

AVG: 26

Don’t forget to comment below with your discord name and rank!

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Hey Rebels! Today, we logged onto Ascent – CPRewritten along with our brother allies, the Ice Warriors, for an exciting practice battle event! The Rebels transformed into red, black, and white puffles as one last hurrah to celebrate the end of the Puffle Party event, and showed off our excitement with epic tactics and formations! Great job today rebels!

MAX: 21

AVG: 20

Be sure to comment below with your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

Access Report


Hey Rebels! Today we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for our AUSIA event, Operation: Paparazzis! We took some photos with our cameras and performed some picture perfect tactics and forms! Great job at today’s event Rebels!

MAX: 27
AVG: 25

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended today’s event!

Access Report


For today’s US event, ebi-one logged onto Abominable – CP Rewritten to celebrate the existence of sushi! Clutching our beloved sushi trays. the rebels rolled out some raw-some tactics and crabtivating formations.
Rice job rebels!

MAX: 29

AVG: 29

Make sure to comment your Discord username and rank down below!

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