Continuing our third day of Winter Olympics, the rebels logged onto ABOMINABLE – CP Rewritten for our second Pizzatron Tournament of the day. Everyone doughed up perfect pizzas in hopes of earning more medals for their teams, but alas, only few rose to the challenge.
Hey Rebels! Today, we kicked off our third day of Winter Olympics by logging onto Zipline – CPRewritten for our Pizzatron 3000 tournament! Everyone gave it their all and did a slice job in today’s tournament, But in the end, only one quick chef could top them all…
The second day of our Winter Olympics drew to a close with the US dance contest! We logged on to Abominable together and completed some amazing tactics in our team outfits before moving to the competition. Only one could be the winner in this final dance off however…
OPERATION: Keep to the Beat [EU] – RESULTS
As we continued on with the second day of our Winter Olympics, the Rebels logged onto Abominable-CPRewritten and went to the nightclub to bring out their best moves! Every team brought their best as we gave it our all for this EU Dance Contest. At the end of the day, only one could impress Cadence…
The RNM CONTEST TEAM is back again to announce the first-ever winners of our new RECIPE CONTEST! To recap our contest, we asked everyone to create a recipe including an ingredient list and procedures! Not just any ingredients though, it had to include at least one club penguin themed ingredient and we got a lot of delicious submissions including pictures of the recipes being made!
It was not an easy decision for the team to only pick a couple winning submissions as all were very creative and bold. However, we would like to thank everyone who submitted recipes to our new contest and hope you all enjoyed the process of making them!
RNM MEME CONTEST – [11/01/2022]
With another contest ending, the RNM Contest Team is thrilled to announce our first contest of 2022! Tap in to your creative side, especially around our Winter Olympics and get ready for our wonderful new meme contest!
Operation: Dance Till You’re Dead [AUSIA] – RESULTS
Hey Rebels! As we tune into the second day of Winter Olympics, we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for the Dance Contest Tournament. We showed off our Olympic’s Spirit with fun tactics and forms. Everyone showed off their fantastic moves on the dance floor, but in the end only one penguin could get the gold and be the Dancing Queen…
Vet Spotlight: Crazzy
Ever saw those purple names in chat and wondered who they are? Every RPF Veteran has a story, and today marks the first edition of the new Vet Spotlight column – a column where Sharki, Yvng, and I will take you through the story of some of RPF’s most famous Vets! Today, we are starting with one of RPF’s most well known vets and CPA Legend: Crazzy.
The WINTER OLYMPICS is finally here and it’s better than ever! We logged onto ABOMINABLE–CPRewritten for the last CART SURFER tournament of the week, it was a grinding hit! We surfed our way throughout the island with our flipping tactics and crashing formations! While all teams did a cartastic job, only one can take the gold! The winning teams are…
Hey there, Rebels! Today, we logged onto Abominable-CPRewritten for our second Cart Surfer tournament of the day and of the Winter Olympics! The four Shrek inspired teams went against each other to see who was the best on the rails. Starting with their wonderful tactics and incredible forms, the teams were ready to bring on the flips on the rails! While all the teams worked hard, these rebels were able to dominate the competition!