
Throughout the whole month of December, RPF held the first-ever Rebel Cash for Change! Generous Rebels donated their hard-earned Rebel Cash that they received from events, contests, and more. Multiple HCOM and troop volunteers donated money towards in-real-life causes towards the cause that received the most donations. Check out below to see how everything went and how much was donated!

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Get in, Rebels! We’re taking over Abominable! For today’s EU event, we transformed into the Red Race Car and zoomed around Abominable-CPRewritten. Our tactics were fast and our formations were speedy. Amazing job today, Rebels! Hope you all wheel-y enjoyed this event!

MAX: 35

Make sure to comment your Discord username and rank if you attended!

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For today’s EU event, we logged onto Abominable on CPRewritten for our first event of the new year, an event made by our fellow troop, LittySkitty! The rebels waddled up to Abominable with their silver bells and all-white fits to celebrate the new year. They also performed some eye-catching tactics and formations. Great work today rebels!

MAX: 27

AVG: 25

Make sure to comment your Discord name and Rank down below if you attended!

Access Report

2021 RPF Year in Review

Welcome Rebels to the 2021 Edition of RPF Year in Review! In this special RBT post I, Yvng, and a couple of my fellow RBT friends summarized everything that has happened within the last year. We summarized the big battles RPF was involved in, army politics that we were involved in, Party Planning Committee events, HCOM changes, Hall of Fame Inductions, and more. So sit back and enjoy reading up on RPF over the last year!

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Troop of the Week #228

Throughout this week, the rebels continued to show off that holiday spirit with some fun events. With two different game tournaments and many holiday-themed costume events, we had tons of fun and even got ready for the New Year by celebrating with our brother allies, the Ice Warriors! As the Rebel Cash for Change campaign comes to an end, many rebels also showed their support by providing some kind donations! While several people stood out, HCOM deemed one particular troop whose efforts have deemed them fit for the prestigious title of Troop of the Week…

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As all good things must come to an end, the last day of 2021 has arrived. We logged on to Abominable – CP Rewritten for our last event of the year, one suggested by our very own Colonel, jjsnowflake! Everyone sported their favourite bauble, performing twinkling tactics and festive forms across the island. Here’s to the future, the past, and to the friends we made along the way. Happy new year rebels!

MAX: 21

AVG: 21

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank below!

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He’s a Mean One Mr. Grinch: Rebel Grinchmas Week Review

This November, The Party Planning Committee has brought us yet another fun week filled with lots of holiday cheer and sinister events. What went down during this week you may ask… well we were brought Rebel Grinchmess Week! This special week was filled with lots of fun centered around the famous Dr. Seuss’s novel, The Grinch.

Enough talk let’s dive into what happened during:


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