Welcome to the forty-fourth edition of the Art Column, where our reporters (currently Anya, Cracked, Emerald, Sharki, and Yvng) see and critique pieces in the #art channel and choose which to feature from members of the Rebel Penguin Federation.
It’s time to break out our boogie spirit and put our best foot forward on the dance floor. We logged onto ABOMINABLE–CPRewritten. We shuffled our way through the island with our graceful tactics and rhythmic formations. For the finale, we had an energetic DANCE CONTEST tournament with our brother allies ICE WARRIORS. Everyone had a serene time but there could only be one winner…
For Today’s AUSIA on Abomniable – CPR, the rebels lit up the night sky with this astronomical event! With the Star Tree Topper atop their penguin heads, they bedazzled onlookers across the island. The rebels did an amazing job performing heavenly tactics and supernova sized formations. The other penguins better give the rebels some space, because today they were out of this world!
MAX: 22
AVG: 20
Comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!
Hey there Rebels! Welcome back to yet another edition of the Pet Column, where Anya, Jaeun, Cracked, and Yas get to know the pets of the RPF! Make sure you post your pets in the #pets channel so you may also have a chance for both you and your pets to be in the issue. For this special year-end edition, we asked you to post photos of your pets dressed up in holiday outfits. Without further ado, let’s dive into it!
Greetings Rebels! For our EU event today we logged on to Zipline wearing the Hoodie for Change! We completed some faultless forms and tactics in celebration of both Coins for Change and our very own Rebel Cash for Change!
MAX: 32
AVG: 30
Be sure to leave your discord name and rank below!
RNM RECIPE CONTEST – [28/12/2021]
The RNM Contest Team is back with a brand new Recipe contest! This contest will test your creative side! We hope to see you all enjoy completing this new contest. Read on to find out more!
The RNM Contest Team is back yet again in order to announce the winners of the latest Event Contest! For such an occasion, all rebels who wished to participate were to design their own unique and entertaining Club Penguin Rewritten events!
With such an amount of incredible submissions, the team had a rather tough but fun time deciding which submissions were most unique. Ultimately, only 3 brilliant rebels will see their event ideas come to reality…
For today’s US event, the Rebels logged onto Abominable-CPRewritten for a Catching Waves competition! After showing stellar forms and terrific tactics, the Rebels went to the Cove and surfed some waves in attempts to wash out their competition. At the end of the day, there could only be one winner…
Hey Rebels! For today’s AUSIA event, we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for Operation: Rainbow Road! We chugged around the island in our Rainbow Zephyr‘s and did sweet tactics in beautiful formations! Great work at our steaming event today, Rebels!
MAX: 24
AVG: 23
Make sure to comment your Discord Username and Rank below if you attended!
Promotions – 12/27/21
These are the official ranks of the RPF. If you think you should be here but do not see your name, DM a Third in Command, Second in Command, or a Rebel Commander.
To find your name more easily, CTRL+F and then type your name. Access Report