Operation: Mohawk Madness [EU]

For today’s EU event, we logged onto Zipline– CPRewritten. As we have CCXI (#ccxi-battle-info) just around the corner, we hosted a VC led training event and dressed up in our favourite mohawks. Throughout the event we practiced quick tactics and fantastic forms. You all looked amazing! Great work today, Rebels!

MAX: 30
AVG: 28

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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This December 2021, RPF is happy to introduce: Rebel Cash for Change! Holiday season is all about giving, and what’s a better way to live up to the holiday spirit than donating your hard-earned Rebel Cash?

Inspired by Club Penguin’s Coins for Change, this event will run starting the 1st day of December up until the 31st. Rewards are unlocked once community goals are achieved, roles are awarded to donors, and of course, some of our HCOMs, have volunteered to donate to in-real-life causes this Christmas. Read on for more details about this month-long event!

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For today’s US event, we logged onto Zipline on CPRewritten with our unique swaggy fits for a fashion contest! The rebels waddled up to Zipline to show off their amazing outfits and performed some swagalicious tactics and formations. Nice work today rebels!

The winners of the contest were…

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Today, the rebels logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten for a classic vc-led event. Equipped with any special item, they flexed their talent and showed everyone how prepared they are for the Christmas Chaos Battle on Sunday! Splendid job today, rebels!

MAX: 22

AVG: 20

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


Today shore was bright! The Rebels came ready for today’s EU event, dressed in the free lighthouse outfit! We logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten with our light-hearted spirits. Our seemingly light-speed tactics coupled with our flashy formations were definitely a sight for all on the island. Great job today, Rebels!

MAX: 31

AVG: 30

Don’t forget to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Operation: Caught in 4K [US]

Lights, Cameras, Action Rebels! It’s time to capture the moment (in 4K) with a photograph waiting to happen! We decide to tour around Zipline and decide to take exhilarating pictures of the beautiful scenery with the cameras we brought along! We went around framing our vivid, expressive tactics along with our sharp, reflective forms! After all, everything is a picture waiting to be taken! Like a fun game of Simon Says at F6Sixer’s igloo for example! We had tons of fun during this classic game! Perfect event to put in a photobook Rebels, thank you for joining us! Everyone was amazing at following directions, but in the end the winner(s) were….

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