Troop Of The Week #219

This week, the Party Planning Committee’s Rebel Horror Hotel is in full swing with numerous fun events and quests in line with this month’s spooky theme.  Many troops have been working hard, recruiting, attending events, and helping out! Everyone’s hard work is truly appreciated, but one troop stood out the most this week, and has earned themselves the title of Troop of the Week….

Access Report


BWA HAHA ITS ALIVE!! Halloween is one of the favorite and well-known holidays throughout the world and one of the most well-known things during Halloween parties is NIGHT OF THE LIVING SLED. We logged onto ABOMINABLECPRewritten wearing the TV outfit from one of the Halloween catalogs. We terrorized our way through the island with our horrific tactics and frightful formations. Petrifying job today rebels!

MAX: 37 

AVG: 35

Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended to count towards Bingo Boomer role!

Access Report


This is Halloween, everybody make a scene! As we approach Halloween this weekend, the Rebels came ready for today’s AUSIA event, dressed in Orange and Black (definitely Halloween Hues!) We logged on to Zipline – CPRewritten with our Halloween spirit, practicing our trick-o-treat tactics and scary formations! Great job today, Rebels!

MAX: 30

AVG: 30

Don’t forget to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


For today’s EU event, we logged onto Abominable on CPRewritten with our unique Halloween-themed outfits for a Halloween fashion contest! The rebels waddled up to Abominable to show off their spooky fits and to perform some petrifying tactics and formations. Nice job today Rebels!

Access Report


For today’s US event we logged onto AbomniableCPR for Operation: Candy Hunt. In this one, we played a classic game of hide n Seek while wearing the candy corn costume! Before the Rebels went to hide, we did some spooktacular tactics, then after the Troops went to hide all around the island as HCOM went around searching for them. It was a very fun event, but of course, there could only be one winner…

Access Report



Invisible Person

The Party Planning Committee could not miss out on the chance to prepare a spooky project for Halloween! We are presenting Rebel Horror Hotel! Pack your belongings and join us for a one-week stay in the renowned Hotel Transylvania, which is full of adventures for you to peruse! Just to verify you have got everything covered, go over this post to receive your invitation alongside a little quiz that will assign a unique type of monster to you! If you dare, keep on reading to learn everything you need to know about the Invisible Person.

Access Report



The Party Planning Committee is back and spookier than ever with a new Halloween project: REBEL HORROR HOTEL! Click here to read more about what our week will entail of spooky events and take the quiz here to get a Hotel Transylvania character with an accompanying server role. If you have taken the quiz already then continue reading and congrats on getting Frank

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