We are down to the final push to the LCXI finals against Help Force. To help prepare, we logged onto ASCENT-CPRewritten, grabbing our boomboxes. Everyone did a boomtastic job as we jammed throughout the island, with our bopping beats and an encore of our roaring tactics and resounding formations!

MAX: 31 

AVG: 30 

Don’t forget to comment below with your Discord name and rank if you attended

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Operation: Mine Diamonds [AUSIA]

Hey rebels, today we logged onto Zipline – CPRewritten for our Ausia event. We wore the miners hat throughout the island while we practiced clean tactics and fast forms. Great work today, Rebels!

MAX: 37
AVG: 35

Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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Our long-awaited second LCXI battle brought all rebels to Abominable – CPRewritten. During this Semifinal battle, we found ourselves in an intense battle against the Templars of Club Penguin. Although both armies had the intention of moving on to to the final round of the tournament, only the best could emerge victorious.
The victor of this battle was… Access Report


For today’s US event, we logged onto Zipline on CPRewritten with a pair of our own silly goofy shoes for an event called Operation: Shoe Shenanigans. We waddled around Zipline executing our swaggy tactics and formations. Nice work today rebels!

MAX: 33

AVG: 30

Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank down below if you attended! Also, LCXI Semifinals are tomorrow, make sure to attend if you can.

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Troop of the Week #207

As the fight for the Legends Cup XI continues, and the rebels advancing to the Semi-Finals, we find ourselves once again looking for our special troop for this week.  With everyone excited about the weekend, hyping the server up, training and prepping, it’s hard singling one person out of the group.  Nonetheless, a special rebel caught our eye this week and have won themselves the title for Troop of the Week.

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Today’s EU event came with a cinematic twist. The rebels met on Zipline – CPRewritten wearing the 3D Glasses where they did creative tactics and authentic formations. Fabulous work everyone, keep it up!

MAX: 33
AVG: 32

Don’t forget to comment down below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

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!slebeR ereht yeH (Hey there Rebels!) Today we logged on to Zipline – CPR for a fun backwards event in preparation for Saturday’s LCXI battle! (#BATTLE-INFORMATION) We did some amazing backward forms as well as some backward tactics! Great job today rebels!

MAX: 35

AVG: 34

Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank down below if you attended!

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