After a successful EU/US gala and a good night’s rest, it was time for a fun Monday break day activity! As F6Sixer looked around his room for the items needed for the activity, he noticed a box marked “Clues” in his closet. “Huh? What’s this?” Puzzled, he picked up the items inside the box. “Whoa!” he yelled. He was suddenly overcome by memories of what had happened before. Motivated by these regained memories, F6Sixer rushed over to the RPF Headquarters at Tuxedo to share them and the clues to Elexonck and the Party Planning Committee Crime Unit. Through an extensive investigation of the items from the box and Elexonck regaining her memory, they, along with some help from Rebel Detectives, were able to discover who the mysterious hooded figure was. It was F6Sixer himself from an evil, alternate timeline!
The Rebel Commanders and Party Planning Committee Crime Unit are grateful to you for helping us decipher all the clues and this puzzling case! Now that the case has been solved, the Crime Unit wants to share and explain what the collected evidence means. Keep reading below for all the explanations, and fantastic job cracking this tough case, Rebel Detectives!
Every Rebel Detective who correctly identified the culprit will be awarded 500 Rebel Cash as a thank you!
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