Today we logged on to Tuxedo – CPArmies for our AUSIA battle training event! We rocked the RPF uniform and sharpened our tactics and forms in preparation for the first round of the Fight or Fright tournament. Awesome job as always, Rebels!

MAX: 40

AVG: 39

Make sure to comment your Discord username and rank down below if you attended!

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Troop of the Week #165

Troop Of The Week #165

It’s been a fun and fulfilling week in the Rebel Penguin Federation, while we continue prepare for yet another gritty tournament against tough opponents. Thank you to everybody who has been working hard to keep the RPF such a great place! Though many troops and staff members alike performed their duties excellently this week, one truly triumphed above them all…
Access Report


For today’s US event, the rebels logged onto Mammoth – CPR for a Cart Surfer tournament! We began the event in uniform with a few stellar tactics, before hitting off to the races. Great surfing today rebels! Excellent sportsmanship and killer tricks were displayed, but only three could come out on top of the podium…

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Can I get a meow? For today’s AUSIA event, we pawed our way on to Tuxedo in our pawsome cat costumes! Tactics and formations were filled with Rebel cattitude and looked absolutely radiclaw. Pawsitively purrfect work today, everyone!

MAX: 35

AVG: 35

Be sure to comment your name and rank below if you attended today’s event!

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Operation: Practice Makes Perfect [EU]

Hey Rebels! Today we logged on to Tuxedo – CPArmies for our EU battle training event! We donned the RPF uniform for a tactic filled trip around the island! Today, troops could use their Event Tokens to lead tactics! Tactics were lead by Master Ds! If you want to lead tactics at an event, you can buy an Event Token in the Rebel Cash shop! Great event Rebels!

Max: 47

Avg: 46

Access Report


Hi penguin friends, I guess this is it huh [insert Kazoo Kid fun fun fun gif]. I’m sure that this retirement may seem rushed and sudden to some of you, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for a while now. I only told like three people about it, because I wanted to make sure that my last few days as HCOM in RPF would be as normal as possible. No awkward vibes and that whole situation where I’d go in main with everyone knowing I’m leaving but nobody talking about it. I don’t wanna keep this post too long or emotional, so I guess I’ll just go through my overall experience in RPF and why I’ve decided to step down.

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For today’s fangtastic EU event we woke from our crypts and logged onto CPR – Ascent. In honour of it being Spooky Season, we donned our cloaks and flew like bats around the island doing tactics and emotes. Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended! Fight the good fight.

MAX: 52

AVG: 50

Access Report

Troop Interviews – Woogsy, Steax, Sarah, Toia

Troop Interviews

This week marks the fifty-second official edition of “Troop Interviews”, where a team of interviewers (currently Cosmo, and Royal) ask two or more people questions. Interviews won’t all have the same questions; each interview’s purpose is to show originality and have its unique highlights. Along with that, the questions asked are intended to give us a better understanding of each soldier and how different or similar everyone is in the community. There’s an exponential amount of soldiers here in the Rebel Penguin Federation, so it will be difficult to get to everyone who requests an interview. The Rebel Broadcast Team graciously appreciates the patience you all have and hope to see you guys in a post one day!

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