What up bois
It’s ya gorl, Red web, aka KABSBABAKA, aka brassknuckled penguin.
We all know why I’m writing here. For a lot of you, we’ve seen this all too many times before. For a couple of you, this is your first time seeing this and hey, it won’t be your last because life just kinda hits you that way sometimes. I don’t know about y’all but being the one on this end hurts way more than it is reading these posts. Before I get more sappy, I do want to be clear that this isn’t exactly goodbye. I’m too invested in this group to even begin this painful little speech. Ulti’s also takin his time to fire me so I mean here we are.
I joined the Rebel Federation a day after New Years. I was just drilling away, amazed that my childhood game is back and that you didn’t need a membership to get all the cool stuff, when a penguin with a cool outfit came in asking people if they wanted to join their little community. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know or care about pins or hidden items in the catalogue (I can’t find the red scarf in the gift shop) but a community sounded fun! Little did I know, I was in for a hell of a ride. I’m eternally grateful to weebwad for opening my eyes to such a beautiful group.
Blah blah, lots of reading and lots of my writing which – if any of you really know how lazy and illiterate I truly am – ain’t floating my boat too well. So I’ll put in some significant dates.
Jan 2, 2019 – I get recruited yeehaw
Jan 5, 2019 – We have a meme review event led by big daddy Nightmare™ himself
Jan 25, 2019 – I get Rebel of the Week (or TOTW as we know it) along with Cyberhusky because they forgot to announce the ROTW for the week before
Feb 12, 2019 – I make an amazing friendship that evidently changed my life
Feb 18, 2019 – I officially change to AUSIA (thanks mama cosma) and my very first talk show BAN THAT ADS airs its first episode
March 6, 2019 – We move to the new server where I mega promoted to major
March 17, 2019 – Redweeb becomes greenweeb as I get promoted to brigadier general
March 22, 2019 – KABSBABAKA
April 24, 2019 – I hit my record of getting 30 recruits in a week with 1000+ minutes
May 5, 2019 – My first mod u-lead that ended with my promotion to head general (thanks liz, alex, lucy, cassie, mama cosma, and mish mwah)
May 15, 2019 – I make a group of friends that I will be eternally grateful for because they tolerate me when I’m being a big bitch (you know who you are and I love you)
June 16, 2019 – The first big AUSIA event I’ve ever helped lead (max 65+)
August 4, 2019 – Possibly the worst AUSIA event I’ve ever led that ended in a whole branch of people getting kicked/banned from CPR and my first ever message in #Navy
September 8, 2019 – I get promoted to Second in Command and I made Eva cry 😉
October 31, 2019 – Most of you haven’t seen this but I’m adding it anyway because I had a bomb ass Velma Dinkley costume ftgf
November 10, 2019 – I get married to my beautiful wife Emcee toenail emoji on Oasis
December 11, 2019 – I organize my first ever Winter Olympics (which I hope went well for everyone else?)
December 29, 2019 – I was deemed worthy of having my name in Hall of Fame with Rebel
Jan 3, 2020 – I lead my own meme review event
January 17, 2020 – Time to hang up my nightvision goggles
*January 20, 2020 – SIKE! I return as RPF Advisor
March 3, 2020 – Ya girl rejoins for Second in Command 🙂
May 17, 2020 – Time to go for good. I’m sorry.
Damn look at me listing stuff down like I was relevant or somethin hahahaha.
There are a few reasons for my retirement. As much as I tell everyone to always hold your real life before RPF, I honestly don’t follow this myself. When I first joined I was in a really bad place in my life and I ended up depending on the group so much I slept for 4 hours a day and I lived and breathed this community. Although I’ve learned not to do this anymore (because it’s way beyond bonkers), I have to admit I’ve put too much of my life into it for now. Don’t get me wrong, my sole purpose here is to help the community. Everything I’ve done has been for the RPF community, and I love each and every one of you with all my heart. But it’s time for me to focus on myself.
Alexa, play Gotta Go My Own Way from High School Musical by that Coachella chick
I’ll surely miss all the HOT TEA. I’m not like dying or anything so don’t be afraid to reach out. But no matter what, I want you all to know that in the face of losing yourself or feeling like the community is at a loss, never forget – when in darkness, we rise. We will always prevail. I’m so sorry to those I promised I’d get red. This wasn’t supposed to happen this early, but life has kicked me in the nuts one too many times. Red4Red isn’t dead y’all. I will see you all again soon. Fight the good fight.
Big shoutouts: Weebwad, Silverburg, Nightmare™, ChoccyMilk, Eva, Summer, Roogy, Peaky, StarShip78, Wolvesarecol, ChaosCo, Mishka, Lucy, Liz, Alex, Cosmo, Cassie, Brotherquack, Minipup, Elexonck, Wxbp, Jimmy38983, Fuli, Pookie437 [13-15 Vet/Lieutenant], Aisha, Pink, Sugar, F6Sixer, Ray, Bscharbach2, Bscharbach3, Bschar’s_MOM, Sloaps, StarsBrother, Cheese, Brownboy102, Ultipenguinj, Emcee, Mariana, Tulia, Bratty, Crazzy, Yammie, Icy, Umar, Jay, DJCrystal/Phantom, Flv, Track, Ben, Taz, Lo Fi, Benie, Yo Gal, NickEMan, Mycydric, Lotte, Curiouskitty, RoyallySuperb, Klance42069, Purbleplace idk whatever my sister’s dumb name was, Koloway, Peppa, Tessa, Mizore, Agent, NotManuGinobili, Leo, Rane, Kiki, Danielle, Popsiclebeak, Moondog, Reyder, Biffer, Perry, Percy, Twitchy543, Redd, Keemyorg, Commando717, Chairman Booty, Cheeseater13, Ellie, Rai, Athena, Blu, Alina, Plum, Zeav, Roqusy, LonkTheBonk, Penho, Dino, Mochii, Sarah, Aurora, Milly!!!!, Cat, Cristal, Bren, Brave, Shark, Lime, Nicwin, Dolan, Spooder, Delphin, Klein, Moon, Yoshi, A Random Owl, Spam, Catbug66181, DDan, Team Taters, Team Dolly, Air Force (fly high bois), *Knifechicken, Maddi, Lanie, Panini, Lynn, Sarahah, Redamance, Coldette, Amoji, Violet/Star, Almighty Mylo, RAWSPAGHETTI????, Yodabobobo, Piglet, Ash, Tdapoles, and everyone else I’m too small brain to state here. You’ve all shaped me in my time here and I appreciate each and every one of you.
And biggest shoutout of all: BDisley. I hope you’re doing well.
TLDR; I’m outta here bois. *CATCH ME IN MAIN HUB!
~~~Second in Command Redweebalombalohangolagongus~~~