Hi Rebels!

Today we logged onto Ascent to earn some stamps while partying in many igloos! Not only did we work on getting normal igloo stamps, we also earned the Trick-or-Treat stamp by visiting 10 Trick-or-Treat igloos during CPR’s Halloween party!

MAX: 58

AVG: 53

Comment down below with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


Heya Rebels!

Today, we logged on to Zipline for Operation: Ascension! During this training event, we aimed to reach new heights with our formations and tactics. We reached our goal of maxing 30 Rebels today. Overall, a great job! A big thanks to everyone who attended!

Make sure to comment with your Discord name if you attended!

MAX: 31

AVG: 29

Access Report

FIELD-OPS – 26/10/19

Want the most reliable Field-Ops guide for Club Penguin Rewritten? Well, the Rebel Penguin Federation can provide you with the accurate guide with frequent updates for the Field-Ops in CPR!

To view our mascot tracker, codes, and various other special secrets, join us on our Discord by clicking here.

Access Report

Operation: Branch Battle [10/26/2019]

Greetings, Rebels!

In the EU/US event, we logged onto Beanie to battle it out between Navy and Air force. Today was another one of those Generals leading branches. Navy was led by Chaos and Lance. While Air force was led by Moon, Rocket and Brenatto. Both teams fought bravely to the end, but there could only be one winner and that is…



Average: 44

If you attended, comment with your Discord/CPR name to boost promotion chances.

Access Report

Troop of the Week #114

Troop of the Week #114

It’s been a fun week for the Rebel Penguin Federation, with great events for all regions! We’ve had many more new members joining, so a huge thank you to everyone who’s been recruiting and a welcome to our newest Rebels! Deciding the Troop of the Week is always a difficult task and it took a lot of discussions. However, there was one troop who really stood out to us. This week’s Troop Of The Week is…

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Operation: Fight Club [US]

Hello RPF!

For today’s US event, we logged on to Zipline to carry out Operation: Fight Club. The first rule of fight club is not to talk about it, but wow, this event was a hit! We held a practice battle against our allies, the Army of Club Penguin and Lime Green Army to help sharpen our tactics. Well done to all who attended!

MAX: 37
AVG: 36

Comment with your Discord name and rank if you attended!

Access Report