Heya Rebels!
Well done everyone who attended our EU event, Operation: Flash Mob. We all logged on to Marshmallow in our regular outfits then switched to RPF uniform half way through!
Well done everyone who attended our EU event, Operation: Flash Mob. We all logged on to Marshmallow in our regular outfits then switched to RPF uniform half way through!
Today we logged onto Beanie for Operation: Tenacious Tactics. We aimed to reach a whole 100 tactics in the span of just 30 minutes, and managed to do a whopping 80! Great work to everyone who attended!
Today we logged onto Blizzard for Operation: Snow Blast! We performed some great tactics around the island, thank you to everyone who attended!
Comment with your Discord name and rank below if you attended!
These are the official ranks of the RPF. If you think you should be here but do not see your name, DM a Head General, Second in Command, or a Rebel Commander.
30th September ’19 – 6th October
We are back to give you a synopsis of the week’s events to see our tactics and forms!
For today’s EU/US event, we logged onto Deep Freeze to battle it out in our unique uniforms for each team. Today, Air Force was lead by Jimmy38983and Starship while Navy was lead by F6sixer and Wolves. While both teams fought valiantly, there could only be one winner…
For today’s EU event, we logged on to Sleet for Operation: Varsity. Donning our most fabulous of Letterman Jackets, we paraded around the island showing off our rebel pride.
Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!