RPF Summer Olympics 2019 Opening Ceremony [EU]

Hello Rebels

Today we held the Opening Ceremony for the RPF Summer Olympics 2019. The ceremony began with a formal introduction of the themes, followed by a battle. This years teams are: Team Yeehaw, Team Infinity, Team Taters and Team Claw.
The Olympics have officially begun!

Comment your Discord name and rank if you attended!



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Division Recap


15th July’19 – 21st July’19

Greetings Rebels,

We are back to give you a synopsis of the week’s events to see our tactics and forms! We also got the chance to hold the top 3 event submissions for the Event Contest: Operation: Sunrise, Operation: Puffle Invasion, and Operation: Rebel Penguin Fairies!

Access Report


Heya Rebels!

Today we logged on to Blizzard for our AUSIA event, Operation: Undead Invasion. We all dressed up in the mummy costume from the stage and spooked the island with our amazing tactics!

Max: 36+

Avg: 33

Well done to those who attended, make sure to comment your discord name and rank!

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