Hello, RebelsToday, we logged onto CPAB – Tuxedo in preparation for the GRAND FINALS of LCXIVWe made sure to stay focused with our eyes kept on the prizeOur fighting spiridefinitely showed what we will bring to the battle on Saturday

MAX: 23
AVG: 22

Make sure to comment your Discornamand ranif you attended!

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Ultimate Club Penguin Journey Guide

So you’re looking to complete tasks in Club Penguin Journey, but don’t know where to start? Look no further than our Ultimate Club Penguin Journey Guide! From stamp guides, to pin trackers, to PSA mission help, this page will help you be able to navigate Club Penguin Journey like a pro! Keep reading to find out more!

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OPERATION: Crumbling Crusaders [EU]

Hello Rebels!! Today, we logged onto Warzone – CPAB for the Losers Final of the Legends Cup with a rematch against the Templars!! We showed up to the battleground with our beautiful and signature RPF uniforms as we showed that we WILL win the Losers Final!! Both armies showed some GREAT effort and hard work and skills to prove their victory, but only one army was the successor of this battle..

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Wassup Rebels!! Today we logged onto CPAB – TUXEDO  to sharpen our skills for the upcoming Legends Cup battle. We wore our best uniforms and did some strong tactics and amazing formations. Thank you to everyone who joined us today for this awesome event.

MAX: 24
AVG: 24

Comment your discord name and rank if you attend the event today.

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Operation: Music Jam Adventures [EU]

Helloo rebels! For today’s event we logged onto Sleet – CPJ for a quest raid event! We wore any instrument and music look as we went around doing musical tactics and forms! Then after we completed all the quests for the Music Jam! Thanks to everyone who came out and joined us today!

Max: 33

Make sure to comment your discord name and rank if you attended todays event!

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Press J now! Get into an X formation! -and feast your eyes on the amazing training event that took place on CPAB Tuxedo. Today we polished to perfection our amazing tactics and formations in preparation for the Legends Cup Finals.

 ♡♡♡ Thank you everyone who came along! ♡♡♡

Max: 21

Avg: 20

Make sure to comment your discord name and rank below if you attended the event!

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RNM Emote Contest – [23/7/24]

Heya Rebels with the LCXII finals coming up the RNM Contest Team is back with another very fun contest for you guys!

well, you saw from the title of the post but that’s right!! The well-awaited Emote Contest is back! so send any member on the contest team your favourite, best quality, relatable, iconic emotes for everyone to enjoy as well as possibly get it added to the server’s long list of emoji’s

All winners will receive a Rebel Cash reward and an exclusive role for the 1st place prize winner!

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