Town of Salem [AUSIA – Results]

Hello, RF!

Today, we had a splendid time playing Town of Salem. Both rounds were tough games, but were fun at the same time! In the end, we finally have our victorious winners.

Congrats to the winners of the first round: Wxbp, Trackling, and Pika as Town!

Congrats to the winners of the second round: Amadeus as Arsonist!

Comment with your name and rank if you’ve attended!

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Halloween Igloo Contest

Hello RF!

Today, the Contest Team is launching another RNM contest! This weeks contest is a contest that everyone can get involved in, even if you aren’t very artistic! The main factor of this contest is creativity. It is the Halloween Igloo Contest!

In order to enter this contest, you have to be a part of the RF! If you are not already, click here to join! Access Report

How to get the RF Uniform

Hello RF!

Welcome to the step by step guide on how to acquire the current RF uniform. This page will be frequently be updated as we change and adjust our uniform. The RF uniform is what we always wear to events unless there a specific costume was announced for the event. The RF uniform is pretty simple and consists of the Blue Roman Helmet, the Red Electric Guitar, the Skeleton Costume, the Dark Vision Goggles, the Red Cape and black colour. What shoes you wear, what background you use and what pin you equip is completely up to you!

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Comment For Promotion

Howdy RF!

Guess what day it is! Promotions will be out soon, so be sure to comment on this post to ensure your chances of receiving one. Use the following format:

1. Your name on Discord
2. Your rank
3. Your activity level (1-10)
4. Why do you think you deserve a promotion?