Greetings RF!

Today we logged onto the server Sleet for our EU event. Our tactics and formations were amazing throughout the event. We first wore our normal uniform then changed into our new year costumes. OBJECTIVE: DRESS UP IN YOUR OWN PARTY OUTFITS TO CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR! We successfully completed this objective!

Max: 50+

Comment down below with your name and rank if you attended!

Access Report


Salutations, Rebels

Today, as you know is the third day of the AUSIA Project;Resurgence.Our objective was to maintain a consistent size of 25-30+.We did some awesome tactics and formations. After the event ended ,we held a recruiting session for the greater good of RF and to progress towards our  main goal for the project which is; to recruit between 300-500 members

Make sure to comment with your name and rank down below


Access Report



Today we went to the iceberg on Marshmallow to fight multiple groups of rogues.  This included the Bulbs, Miners, Pizzas and Tubas.  Though there were lots of people against us, we massively reduced their size and came out victorious!

Comment with your name and rank if you attended!

MAX: 20+

Access Report

Gaming: 2018 Year in Review

2018 has passed by—and in that year many highly-anticipated games have been released to the public, along with teasers of upcoming games waiting to unfold in 2019 and beyond. In this post, we’ll be covering some of the biggest video games, E3 & The Game Awards, some news & announcements, and what the year has been like for gaming in general.

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In Retrospect

Image result for calvin and hobbes animated gif

As we look back on the year, it may seem like not much has gotten done. It may seem like we’re about to head into another gloomy year, filled with the same awful things happening on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis.

We have to challenge this ideology. 

Staring back in 2005, Club Penguin was created and opened up to the world. It looked boring, and it was full of bugs. You could throw snowballs in the game, buy clothes, and that was about all you could do without experiencing real problems. But the game got better over time, and with it, so have Club Penguin Armies.

The Rebel Penguin Federation, created in 2007, has advanced so far since its inception. We began by turning our penguins a different color to symbolize our rebellion from a once larger group, the Underground Mafias Army. Then we started throwing snowballs. From that moment on, the world of Club Penguin Armies was changed.

Nations were created only shortly after the war ended, giving each Club Penguin army its own territory to defend, and giving other armies territory to invade.

Tactics were invented after that, along with formations.

New recruiting methods were invented. Governments were formed, ranks were expanded. Club Penguin armies were not the same as they were before.

We moved off of Club Penguin and into a whole new world with an entirely different community and survived. We continue to survive, and continue to push towards new communities.

We moved out towards the open sea of new games, and new communities. But when we saw bad weather on the horizon, we sailed back towards the shore, where we would be safe.

The storm came and went. All I have left to do is to fix all of the damage that has been caused by the storm and to get this army working in maximum operations. A new history page, a new hall of fame, new army rules, new guides, new boot camps, and some other additions will all be underway shortly. We’ll have this ship in top-notch condition—no, in better condition than it was in before. We’ll be able to handle the next storm that comes our way.

Besides, what good is a ship that doesn’t set sail?

Operation: Amplification

January 1, 2019


Hello Rebels

Today we logged onto Marshmallow for our EU event where we did some awesome tactics and formations at a great pace and we wore the mining helmet. Our objective was to wear the mining helmet and mine for fun

Make sure to comment with your name and rank down below 


Access Report

Promotions – 12/30/18


The following is the ranks page after this week’s promotions. If your name is in green, you were promoted. If your name is in red, you were demoted.

If you think you were missed, comment on this post. If you weren’t promoted, make sure to attend events, comment on the promotion post, and be active in our discord next week!

Access Report

Project: Resurgence – Day 1 – Genesis [AUSIA]

Greetings, Rebels!

Today, as you know is the first day of the AUSIA project; Resurgence. Our objective was to give rise to the beginning of this new project, and maxing 45+. We did swift tactics and formations. After 30 minutes into the event, we held a recruiting session for the greater good of RF and also to reach our main goal for the project; To recruit between 300 to 500 members in this project. Our journey has just begun. Following are a few pictures taken at today’s event.

Max: 50+

If you attended, comment with your Discord/CPR name and RF rank to boost promotion chances…


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