Heya Rebels! Happy April Fool’s Day! The Club Penguin News Team is BACK with another party guide, here we will tell you all about the Party Pass, the Easter Egg Hunt, The Freebies, and the party stamps available! Be sure to check out our April Fool’s quests guide here for a guide on how to 100% this party! Now without further ado, let’s get started!
The 2024 CPLegacy April Fool’s Party is here! The party comes with a plethora of party quests to do throughout the duration of the party! Keep reading this guide for how to complete the party quests! We also have a separate Party/Party Pass guide which you can find here. Let’s get started with these quests now, shall we?
Promotions – 04/01/24
These are the official ranks of the RPF. If you think you should be here but do not see your name, DM a Third in Command, Second in Command, or a Rebel Commander.
To find your name more easily, CTRL+F and then type your name.
Heya Rebels! Today we logged onto CPAB-Ice breaker, marking the start to the War of Stolen Seas and an end to our alliance with the Water Vikings. It is a sad day, losing an alliance and friends turning into foes, but we will prevail! Both armies in today’s battle did brilliant, having fast tactics and formations, however only one can be a victor today…
The Stolen Seas War
An announcement like this is never easy to make, nor is it one which the RPF leadership hoped to make. However it is the situation that Gabi and myself find ourselves in. As you may have seen, three of our staff members have left RPF’s service, and instead have joined the Water Vikings team. This is not where the betrayal ends however, as Water Vikings have also been caught Troop stealing from our server.
Operation: Pretty in Pastel [EU]
Hello Rebels! Today we had a Hide And Seek event! Before we played hide and seek we logged onto CPJourney to do some amazing forms in our fabulous pastel outfits! Once that was over the Party Planning Committee went to hide and our troops had to find them! Everyone did amazing and we hope you had a blast!
MAX: 24
Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended today!
Operation: Bunny Training Wheels [EU]
What’s hoppin Rebels? We are kicking off our Easter party with a very special Egg-vent today! Spring-ing into action, the rebels met on CPAB-Warzone and filled the town with fun formations and tactics! We looked bright and colorful with bunny hats on our heads and baskets in hand. Thank you all who came to celebrate this warm and funny event!
MAX: 21
AVG: 21
Don’t forget to comment your discord name and rank if you attended with us today!
Feelin’ lucky, Rebels? The March 2024 Better Igloos and Furniture Catalogue has arrived, and we are here to help you find all the secrets! Whether you’re in the mood for some Spring gardening, some sweet treats, or some gorgeous green St. Patrick’s themed decor, this catalogue has it! Of course, there’s lots of secrets to uncover…so let’s get started!
Rebel Egg-stravaganza – March 2024
As March draws to a close, we find ourselves with Easter upon us. With this celebration underway, the Party Planning Committee is excited to announce their own celebration!
That’s right Rebels, between 29-31 March, the server will be taken over by the Rebel Egg-stravaganza, an Easter party full of fun tasks to earn an exclusive role for all those who complete it!
Read on to find out all about the Rebel Egg-stravaganza!
RNM Egg Decorating Contest – [28/3/2024]
With Easter fast approaching, the Contest Team is getting ready for all the festivities! That’s why we’re back with an egg decorating contest! Keep reading the post below to find out more!