Operation: Holiday Victories [EU]

Hey Rebels! Today we logged into CPAB-Tuxedo-Town for some whimsical tactics and magical formations! We whisked CPAB up into a snowstorm with our whirlwind of fun for this amazing CCXIV victory parade! Thank you everyone for attending! MAX: 37 AVG: 36 Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you…

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Operation: The Igloo Express [US]

Hey Rebels! Today we logged into CPJ-Sleet-Nightclub to add an extra bit of ice to this chilly atmosphere! We hit Club Penguin Journey hard with some frozen formations, and some cold hard tactics that left everyone speechless! Then we jumped onto the CPJ Express not to sightsee, but for an awesome igloo…

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Tuxedo Times – Issue #244

══ ↟❆↟ TUXEDO TIMES ↟❆↟ ══ Merry Christmas to every Rebel!! In this special Christmas edition, we’re celebrating many HUGE wins of the week – our CCXIV Finals sweep, 15k server members reached, a new HOF induction, CPA Winter Awards nominations, and the ongoing festivities of our Christmas party week!!

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