Operation: Pizza Bites [AUSIA]

Hello Rebels! For Sundays AUSIA Division event we logged on to CPJ-Blizzard for a cool pizza themed event! We wore our cool Pizza shirts and did some amazing tactics and tasteful forms! We hope you all enjoyed this fun and action-packed event! MAX: 21 AVG: 20 Make sure to comment…

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Operation: Penguin Pride [EU]

Hello rebelsss, it’s June again, which means Pride Month! So today we logged onto TUXEDO-CPABattleground for a Pride-themed event!! To celebrate the month, we wore pride flag colors that represent us or dressed in rainbow colors. We did some amazing tactics and formations. Everyone looked great!!        …

Access Report

OPERATION: Flamethrowers [US]

Rawr rawr rawr Rebels!! Today, we logged onto Blizzard – CPJ for a flamethrowing, firey event as dragons!! We had some BLAZING tactics and formations that was super lit and shocking to everyone!! Thank you all so so much for attending this event and we hope you had a blast! MAX:…

Access Report


Hey Rebels! Today we logged on to Blizzard – CPJ for a magical event! We floated around the island dressed as wizards, mystically performing wonderful tactics and majestic formations. Thank you for practicing magic with us! MAX: 21 AVG: 19 Don’t forget to comment your Discord Name and Rank if you attended!

Access Report

OPERATION: Noble Quests [EU]

Hello Rebels! Today we logged onto Blizzard – CPJ for a nobeltastic event! We did some amazing tactics plus formations that were so good that the neighhbors woke up to witness this! After the tactics portion, we all explored together on an adventure all around the island to complete all the party quests! Thank you all for coming to this event and being some brave knights! MAX: 28 Make sure to comment your Discord name and rank down below if you attended the event!!

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