Operation: Foresty Forms [US]

✫ Hello Rebels! Wood you like to come hike with us? If you said “Yes”, we logged on CPJ – Blizzard to work on our skills for CCXIV! To summit all up, we had our gorge-ous hiking outfits as we had some pine-tastic forms and formations that brought tents-ion to…

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Operation: Unbearable [AUSIA]

It‘s so fluffy! The rebels are feeling beary cute in their comfy onesies as they logged onto CPJourney-Blizzard for this extra sweet and relaxing event. The cutesy bears met on Blizzard – Docks, and their cozy tactics and formations were simply adorable! Max: 31 Average: 31 ♡ Comment your Discord…

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Troop Of The Week #313

Another week in the Federation has passed and we are excited for what’s to come! We have now returned to modern times following our prehistoric party, however one rebel has made an impression that’s made survived the different eras! So let us reveal our newest Troop Of the Week! 

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