Troop of the Week #327

It is another Friday and it is time for another Troop of the week! This week, the rebels have been enjoying our PPC party, Penguin Picnic Palooza, devouring all the food and having a great time! With increased activity, sometimes it’s difficult for one person to just stand out, but…

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Operation: Wasps in the Cola [EU]

Buzz Buzz! Heya Rebbels today we logged into CPAB-Tuxedo–Forest for quite the treat there was delightful formations, sweet tactics, and awesome outfits! All the neighboring colonies were buzzing with excitement about us, and came to join in for this larva-ly event! Thank you everyone for attending! MAX: 27 Don’t forget to…

Access Report

Operation: Teddy Bear Tea Time [EU]

The picnic palooza has only just begun, but the Rebels are already looking stuffed – as teddy bears that is! For today’s un-bear-ably cute event, we logged onto CPAB – Tuxedo and met at the Forest. Looking paws-itvely adorable in our Teddy Bear costumes, we both sipped and spilled the…

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Operation: Plaid Chads [EU]

Welcome to the first event of our Penguin Picnic Palooza party! Oh you didn’t bring a blanket? That’s fine, we came dressed in plaid just in case! Today we logged onto Tuxedo – CPAB to start this party off with a feast! Whilst it was tricky running away from the…

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