Operation: Let Down Your Long Hair [EU]

Grumpunzel, Grumpunzel, let down your hair! Well, we did just that for todays event! Looking graceful in our princess gowns and magical hair, we tangled together on CPJourney – Blizzard to perform smoldering tactics and swift formations. Thank you for joining this enchanting event! Max: 35 Avg: 33 Make sure to…

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Operation: Candy Crushers [EU]

It’s only fitting for the day after Valentine’s to have a battle, so we did just that! Today the Rebels took on the other major armies in the Candy Crusher’s tournament. This battle was different from any other battles we’re used to. In every room the judges set a task…

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Operation: Slither and Seek [EU]

For this snail-rific Hide and Seek event, we shimmied in our shells as we made our way onto CPJourney – Sleet. Although one may assume we would be slow and sluggish, our tactics and formations surely were not! Afterwards, we scattered around the island in search of the best hiding…

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