On a fateful December night, our beloved rebel bot’s management software crashed during a routine update, which caused its database to corrupt, thus losing everything. F6sixer, our advisor and creator of rebel bot worked tirelessly to recover it to no avail. Due to that, he re-wrote the bot’s entire code, in under 24 hours. One thing that was not able to be recovered was the Economy, not the module itself, but everyone’s balance and roles.
The HCOM team was planning on re-working the economy prior to this, so we used this as our chance to build it from the ground up. So after almost 3 months, we are happy to bring back the Rebel Cash Economy.
In the post below we will be going through some basic economy information as well as information about our new system so keep on reading.
What is Rebel Cash and how do I earn it?
Rebel Cash is our main in-server currency and it is unique to the Rebel Federation servers. With rebel cash you can purchase roles within the server and build your economy. There are several ways you can earn rebel cash.
Attending Club Penguin Events
After every event, there is what’s called an event reaction, in which every person that attended that event, can react to earn a set amount of rebel cash.
The event reaction is available for 10 minutes from the moment it’s sent but don’t worry! If you miss the react, just reach out to an HCOM member and we will manually add the rebel cash to your balance.
Current event reactions
– Regular Event: 2000 rebel cash
– Event if our max goal is reached: 3000 rebel cash
– Battle: 5000 rebel cash
Work Command
You can earn rebel cash every 4 hours by running the command .work in #bots. By running the command you can either earn or lose rebel cash. The current odds are 50:50. You can earn between 50-100 rebel cash or lose between 10-30.
Payout Roles
Some roles in the server provide something called payout. Payout is a set amount of rebel cash you earn each week automatically (for as long as you have that role) without having to do anything. Our current payout roles are available through our shop, through boosting the server, or through recruiting – called seasonals. Use the command .seasonals in #bots to read about those.
In-Server Activities
There are several things within the server that you can do to earn rebel cash. Completing the weekly Tuxedo Times puzzle can give you between 250-500 rebel cash depending on the difficulty. Additionally, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place of any contest receives 5000, 3750 and 2500 rebel cash respectively.
Note: You MUST attend at least half of the tactics portion of the event in order to be allowed to get the rebel cash. If you are found to react for rebel cash without attending, your balance will be reset to 0. If you are found to do that repeatedly, you will be blacklisted and unable to earn any rebel cash in the future.
The Economy Module has been re-enabled at the time you’re reading this post. This means that we have several new commands available. You can use commands to try and gain rebel cash, access our shop and workshop, view your balance and many more.
.work = by running this command, you either earn or lose rebel cash. The probability of gaining or losing is 50:50. A cooldown of 4h is in place as standard.
.bal or .$ = allows you to view your balance
.shop or .workshop = allows you to view our shop or workshop and what roles are available for purchase.
.buy [role] = allows you to purchase a role from the shop or workshop. You can only purchase roles if you have enough rebel cash. Example – .buy Fledgling.
.give <user> [amount] = allows you to send rebel cash to someone else*. Example – .give @Link3000 50
.lb = you can check the server-wide leaderboard. The ranks are based on who has the most rebel cash.
.profile = it gives you a rundown of everything relating to your own personal economy such us your roles, your weekly payout, cooldown etc.
.rank = it displays your rebel cash rank within the server
*Make sure you read the Transfer Limit section regarding more information on that command
Transfer Limit
We have implemented a Transfer Limit to encourage and incentivize people to earn their own rebel cash and the roles. This means you will only be able to send a certain amount of rebel cash to anyone over a certain period of time.
The transfer cap at the moment is 10 000 rebel cash per week. It is not split-table, in which you’d be able to send 9 999 to one person and 9 999 to another person. It is 10 000 overall.
Tell us your thoughts
This is only the initial launch of our economy, with very limited roles as we would like to observe how things go over the first few weeks. As the weeks go, more roles and modifiers will be added to the shop and workshop so make sure to keep an eye out for any relevant announcements.
We have also released a feedback form which you can find here or by running the command .rcfeedback in #bots. So please fill it out and give us all your thoughts. Do keep in mind that like mentioned above, we are planning on adding more types of roles to the shop/workshop that make the economy more exciting.
We are very excited to bring back the Rebel Cash Economy, both for our older members to as they have been looking forward to it, but also for our newest members. We cannot wait for you all to experience it.
Please do not hesitate to contact any HCOM members for any questions or concerns.
Link3000 | Rebel Commander