A Day in the Life – 20th Edition

Welcome to the latest edition of the A Day in the Life column! This month, Rebel Broadcast News reporters interviewed Lieutenant General Cy, Colonel Toad, and Colonel Meryu about their lives outside of being an impressive member of the RPF. With that said, let’s dive in to learn more about their hobbies, diverse schedules, and more!


OKAYYYY SOOO i wake up at abt 6am bc i commute to uni which means i have to leave at 7:30 (so i usually use this time to properly wake up, get ready etcetc – i also like to stop in shop)
usually get to uni an hr before lecture so i spend that time gaming, doing work or catching up on stuff
(if i have rpf post i do it in that time)
then uni and then home for like 1 – i usually game til 5ish and then start getting ready to eat and pack for the next day
AND THENNN bc i procrastinate rlyrlyrly hard i will probably end up finishing that at 8 – which means ill start getting ready for (if there is one) rpf eu event
AND THEN after event i usually play more games and try to sleep at like 12
and then repeat…
(also if ur seeing this and uve seen me in chat at 4am, no u havent i haveba good sleep schedule))


YOOO so to start off my typical day, I wake up at 5:15 in the morning to get ready for school. I take a shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, do all that stuff. I then leave for school, which starts at 6:45 for me because I’m in an extra class that takes place before 1st hour (0 hour). I eat breakfast in between 0 hour and 1st hour bc my school started providing breakfast a couple years ago and I never have the time to eat breakfast at home. I go through my day at school blah blah blah. As of lately, I sometimes have theater rehearsals for my school’s upcoming musical after school, which can go from 3-3:30 to like 3-6. After school, I do my homework but with breaks to chat in RPF, watch YouTube, play games, and make music or whatever. I will admit though, I prioritize RPF events over my homework. When I’m done with all my homework, I entertain myself or chat in RPF until I have dinner, and then- you’re never gonna believe this one- I chat in RPF or do whatever. I end up going to sleep anytime from 11:00-2:00 but usually closer to 2:00. I end up averaging like 3-4 hours of sleep every night until the weekends…. where I usually get like 12 hours of sleep… so yea.

thanks for letting me participate!


I wake up usually late since I’m still unemployed for now (sadly), towards 11AM, I usually don’t eat anything for breakfast but sometimes I like eating a croissant or a “pain au chocolat” (it’s so good)

I usually go buy some groceries not long after if I need to buy some for the day, sometimes I go visit my grandpa right after I bought groceries (I go visit him once every week)

I send some job applications (booo) and stuff usually in the afternoon, I also started studying for some stuff recently that I fit in my afternoon schedule for 1-2 hours a day

I also try to go out a lil bit in the afternoon just to get some fresh hair, a 40 minutes walk since I’m lucky and got some cool natural spots near my place

Usually it gets pretty late with all that so then I just play some games or browse on my PC, I start hanging out on RPF more or less towards those hours (Like 5PM my time)

I also looove to start drawings at these hours for some reason or even later sometimes, so yeah sometimes I start sketching/drawing around 5-6PM, talking in RPF is harder when I draw tho lmao

But yeah usually I try to be free around at least 8-9PM and 1AM for RPF since it’s around the events times and I’m awake anyways

I eat usually pretty late, like 9PM because I get distracted with most stuff and I just don’t like eating very much lmao

So yeah my evenings/nights are mostly filled with RPF/playing with friends online and the occasional going out with my friends/girlfriend

It’s pretty easy to fit RPF in my schedule since rn I’m still unemployed, I hope finding a job soon but tbh the best thing would be my art getting good enough that I can live from it ! (But I gotta draw a lot more for that)

When I’m ready to go to sleep I usually read a bunch before so it gets me sleepier (but then I’m going to sleep late so Idk if it’s worth it anyways…)

That’s a wrap!

Thank you to the wonderful staff and troops for participating in the 20th edition of the A Day in the Life column! It was a pleasure to learn more about you.

Until next time, Rebels!

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